Welcome to First Reformed UCC!

We are an Open and Affirming Congregation worshiping
Sunday mornings at 10:30 am at 104 East Center Street, Lexington, NC.

No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey,
you are welcome here.

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Sign Up Here for Service and Fellowship!

Sign up here to help with worship services, youth and children, our many community ministries, and more. You can also call the office at (336) 248-2617 if you prefer or if you don’t see the sign-up form you are looking for.

Online Giving

Set up monthly or one-time tithes and offerings through your credit or debit card or directly from your checking account.

Memorial and honorary gifts for friends and loved ones are also accepted here.

Thinking about Visiting?

You’ll experience what we call a “Traditional Service with a Modern Message.” We celebrate God’s love with a grand pipe organ and traditional hymns, but Rev. Elizabeth Horton’s uplifting and lively sermons are relevant for today.