April 3,2022 Weekly News

April 3,2022 Weekly News

APRIL 1, 2022
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHfZFOjObXH_bR8E-UG_gTALOOKING TOWARD SUNDAY: A MESSAGE FROM REV. HORTONDear Beloved Community, 
After a week where we’ve seen so much heartbreak, violence, and sorrow, it is easy to become overwhelmed and believe that nothing we could ever do will make a difference in this world. Most of us don’t hold the kind of power or influence that can bring global change. My decisions, my actions alone will most likely never sway an outcome regarding the war in Ukraine, or the hunger crisis in Afghanistan. Yet, if I only focus on the power I do not have, then most likely I will remain paralyzed by anxiety or fear. I will never learn about the transformative power that I do have, right here, right now. 

On Sunday, in John 12, we’ll see Jesus at the Table with Lazarus and Mary and Martha, six days before he will be arrested. Knowing that he is on a mission that will end his life, Mary takes a jar of extremely expensive perfume and pours it on his feet. Judas criticizes her about the absurdity of wasting it…. 

Perhaps Mary knows
She could not stop the Religious Leaders  
She could not stop the Roman Government. 
She could not even stop Judas from being corrupt. 

But around the Table, Mary could give Jesus the gift he needed in that moment….to anoint him for his Burial to come.  

Mary’s act of extravagance at the Table helped Jesus fulfil his calling. And it changed the world. 

This Sunday, we too will gather around the Table. We cannot stop the governments and world leaders.  But as we prepare for the Communion Table, ask yourself, 

Who in your life needs compassion, love, and mercy?  
Who needs to know there is a home for them in God’s love? 
Who is looking for connection and community?  

Invite them to be with us, for it is around the Table we experience the presence of Christ. 
Let us do what we can with what we have, 

In faith, hope, and love, 

Thanks to Cathy Waitman for helping the children, youth, and even adults make homes for 38 caterpillars! They are in individual cups now. In a few days, they will begin spinning their cocoons preparing their own process of transformation!  Come by the church office and visit them! 
Luke 12: 1-8PLEASE PRAY FOR…
Cathy & Steve Waitman (for the recent loss of Steve’s brother, Jimmy), Thomas Phillips, Bonita Hooper, Cheryl Walser, Jeff Hutchens, Lee Bouchard, Myrtle Latimer
Peggy Bates, Sherry Bonner, Ellen Bouchard, Ruth Essick, Pattie Everhart, Vogen Everhart, Gerri Hill, Lib & Jimbo Hinkle, Marguerite Leonard, Deanna Michael, John Potts & Janette Neal, Carolyn Spivey, Adena Wall

Janice Mullineaux (Cathy Browder’s mother), Charm & Steve Ketner, Sarah Lovell Biggers (Jerry & Patti Lovell’s daughter, Marc Frye (friend of the congregation)INTERCESSORY PRAYER PARTNERS
Intercessory Prayer is a powerful ministry. Praying for another person helps us connect more deeply to each other and amplify needs before God. While we pray together on Sundays, emergencies and unexpected circumstances happen during the week. In these cases, would you volunteer to be part of an Intercessory Prayer Partner Ministry?
Like a prayer chain, this begins by calling one of our ministers, the church office, or Patti Lovell with your prayer request. it will then be shared immediately with volunteers who have made a commitment to offer intercessory prayer immediately when they receive the message. Communication will be either text or phone call.
If you would like to be on the list as an Intercessory Prayer Partnerplease call or text Patti Lovell at (336) 309-9302. We’d like to have the list completed by Easter Sunday.

Beginning in April, First Reformed will begin a new relationship with Davidson Local for six months. Davidson Local is an “electronic newspaper” that runs local Davidson County news articles. They have  between 40,000-50,000 views per month. So, we think that this is a great way to get our name out in the community. You can view/subscribe to their daily local email by going to www.davidsonlocal.com or search for their Facebook or Instagram  accounts.
 We will have a banner at the top of their home page that advertises our church. We will also be able to include up to four stories per month that describe some of the ministries of our church. These stories will be included in their Saturday edition. Along with the stories, we will  also  be  able to include pictures with these articles.
 We need your permission to use your or your families’ pictures in any of our printed or electronic platforms. Below is a permission slip for you to either agree or disagree to have your pictures placed in any of the church’s social media or printed material. Please return this permission slip to the church office as soon as possible.

These permission slips will be available in Sunday bulletins and weekly emails. Copies will also be available in the office, or you may copy, paste & print the form below to complete and return to the office. First Reformed United Church of Christ
104 East Center Street
Lexington, NC 27292
PHOTO & VIDEO PERMISSION FORMParticipation in church activities may involve snapshots and videos. These pictures may be used on social media and for other resources.
I give my permission (circle one) YES  NO  to use photographs/videos of me at church activities on social media or other platforms.
Parent//Guardian Signature_______________________________________________________            

We have fresh pine needles to spread where needed on the church grounds, and we can use some help. Please volunteer to help on Saturday, April 9 at 10:30AM. All are welcome and your help will be appreciated! Many hands make light work!
 BIBLE STUDY THROUGH APRIL, 2022GATHERED UP IN JESUS” continues Sunday mornings in Person at 9:30AM.April 3rd Fifth Sunday in Lent  
Filled with the Fragrance Facilitators: Jay & Cathy Whitley
John 12:1-8
Mary anoints Jesus with perfumeApril 10th Palm Sunday  
Stations of Holy WeekApril 17th Easter Sunday
No Sunday School 
April 24th
No Sunday School
Lent 2022: WHEREVER YOU GO, HERE YOU ARE PLEASE JOIN US WEDNESDAYS at 6:00PM for supper in the Parlor (please bring your own meal). The mid-week Lenten Bible study continues at 6:30-7:30PM in the church Parlor through April 13.

The Lexington chapter of Pflag is offering three $2000 scholarships to seniors in the Davidson Co. school system. (including Lexington & Thomasville City) Applications are available at all of the high schools or you may obtain more information on our Facebook page or email info@pflaglexingtonnc.org.  Please share this information with family and friends with high school seniors.

NAMI FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP STARTING    Families in Davidson County living with mental illness now have access to support groups offered by the National Alliance on Mental  Illness (NAMI.) Davidson County is partnering with NW Piedmont NAMI, which already serves Forsyth, Davie and Stokes Counties.
Family Support Group meetings are held via Zoom on the 1st and 3rd Mondays and the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. Peer-to-Peer Support Group meetings are held via Zoom on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Joe and Cathy Browder are co-facilitating the Monday Family Support Group meetings. These  meetings  offer  a  safe  and confidential environment where people can talk with each other about experiences with a loved one who has a mental health diagnosis. Attendees offer support and lessons learned to each other. The Monday meetings are  currently held via Zoom, from 7:00 – 8:30pm. When COVID restrictions are lifted, at least one of the Mondays each month will be held in person at First Reformed United Church of Christ (FRUCC) at 104 East Center Street, Lexington. Please contact Cathy if you have any questions or would like to join any of the meetings. (namidavidsoncounty1@gmail.com)
Discover 2022 … Catawba College Youth Theological Institute

Register NOW. Registration is now open at www.catawba.edu/discover
High School Session: July 10-15
Middle School: Session: July 17-22Catawba College will welcome middle and high school students to participate in its Youth Theology Institute for the 8th year this July.  Check out our website www.catawba.edu/discover or email us at discover@catawba.edu.
DISCOVER is a program that challenges youth during this formative time in their lives to engage in careful theological and moral reflection and activity, enabling them to discover God in new ways, especially as incarnational and interactive; discover who they are as children of God; discover how to live out their faith; and discover what they are called to do vocationally.
SUMMER OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS GRADES 4-12Johns River Valley Camp is making plans to provide Outdoor Ministry opportunities during the summer of 2022. COVID protocols are still being determined but we will put Camper safety first. Camps will be provided for Campers grades 4-12. Church youth groups and others are asked to inquire about our “Hospitality Model” in which you work with our staff to plan and provide a retreat experience which meets your group’s unique needs. We also continue to invite groups to plan Mission Camps involving meaningful projects and ministry opportunities. Please use THIS LINK for a copy of the flyer for 2022 Johns River Valley Camps for the summer. With THIS LINK you will find more information about the camps and can register online.

SUNDAYS at 6:00PM:              
Youth Group (Fellowship Hall)
Sign up to Volunteer for Sunday night Youth meeting HERE
WEDNESDAYS at 6:30PM:        
Youth Study (Youth Room)
Sign up to Volunteer for Wednesday night Youth Study HERE
SUNDAYS at 10:30AM            
Children’s Church
 (Theater Room)
Sign up to Volunteer for Children’s Church HERE
WEDNESDAYS at 6:00PM:      
Children’s Fun & Activities (Fellowship Hall)
Sign up to Volunteer for Wednesday Children’s Fun & Activities HERE USHERS ARE NEEDED EACH SUNDAY…PLEASE SIGN UP TO SERVE
Please consider serving as an usher on Sunday mornings. Open slots are available on most Sundays. You may use this Sign-Up Genius link to pick a Sunday to volunteer or call the church office. Feel free to sign up for more than one Sunday of service!THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE
LITURGIST: Paula Lopp                                           CHILDREN’S CHURCH: TBD
DIGITAL MEDIA TECH: Kivi & Jianna Miller           SOUND TECH: James Gray
ACOLYTE: Lucas Peterson                                      BIBLE STEWARD:  Ethan Lovell
USHERS: Lisa Nelson, John Smith, Ted Smith, Michell Winters
APRIL BIRTHDAYS:                                
4th…Larry Link
    …Ashlee Snider                               
5th…Caroline Hooper                              
7th…Mike Brown                                           
8th…John Potts
9th…Wesley Gould

Sunday, April 3: Fifth Sunday of Lent
Fifth Sunday in Lent  
Filled with the Fragrance John 12:1-8 (Facilitators: Jay & Cathy Whitley) Mary anoints Jesus with perfume
10:30AM          Worship Service (in person and via YouTube)
10:45AM          Children’s Worship: Rev. Sieges & Volunteer Needed (Theater Room)

Following Worship:
                        Intercessory Prayer Circle
                        Choir Practice (Sanctuary)
6:00PM            Youth Group:  Rev. Sieges & Volunteer Needed (Youth Room)
Monday, April 4
7:00PM             NAMI Family Support Group (via Zoom)
Please contact Cathy if you have any questions or would like to join any of the meetings. (namidavidsoncounty1@gmail.com)

Tuesday, April 5
2CFAR – Crucial Conversations on Faith and Race 
via Zoom
Meeting ID: 873 4191 8684 Passcode: Faith
Book Study 
“The Book of Joy” (via Zoom)
Meeting ID: 846 9163 5471 Passcode: Faith
Wednesday, April 6
6:00PM             Supper in the Parlor

6:30-7:30PM      Mid-Week Lenten Bible Study (Parlor)

Choir will not meet tonight

Children’s Fun & Activities: 2 Volunteers Needed
Youth Study: Rev Sieges & Stacy Sosebee-West
Thursday, April 7:
4-6:00PM          Clothing Ministry Workday
Saturday, April 9
10:30AM           Volunteers needed to help spread pine needles on church grounds
12:30PM           Lunch Ministry (Kitchen)
Sunday, April 10: Palm Sunday
9:30AM            Adult Bible Study: Stations of Holy Week
10:30AM           Worship Service (in person and via YouTube)
10:45AM           Children’s Worship: Rev. Sieges & Cathy Browder (Theater Room)
Following Worship:
                        Intercessory Prayer Circle
6:00PM             Youth Group: Rev. Sieges & Jeremy Lovell (Youth Room)Ministers: The Congregation of First Reformed United Church of Christ,
104 East Center Street, Lexington, NC 27292
Phone: 336-248-2617           www.frucc.org
Pastor: Rev. Elizabeth Horton (elizabeth@frucc.org, cell/text #336-972-8895)
Minister of Pastoral Care: Rev. June Grubb (jgrubb3@triad.rr.com #336-248-5668)
Director of Children and Youth Ministries: Rev. Evan Sieges (evan@frucc.org)
Choir Director: Ellen Peterson (ellenrpeterson@gmail.com)     
Organist/Pianist: Christopher Kiser (cdkiser94@gmail.com)
Administrative Asst.: Carolyn Robbins (carolyn@frucc.org)    
Financial Administrator: Paula Lopp (paula@frucc.org)
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