Sunday’s Sermon Edge of Our Faith:Bread For The JourneyRev. June GrubbScripture Reading:Exodus 16: 2-15 |
August 5th through the 10thRev. June Grubbwill be on call for any pastoral care needs that arise.Contact info: or336-248-5668Rev. Horton will be absent for at least five days as she is in quarantine with COVID. Please pray that she has a quick recovery and light symptoms.Many thanks to June for stepping in to preach this Sunday and for pastoral care while Elizabeth recovers. |
DON’T MISS THESE IMPORTANT POINTSIN OUR EMAIL THIS WEEK1-Sandwich making after worship this Sunday2-NEW Book for Tuesday Night Book Study3-Last 2 weeks for Charles England Back to School Supply Drive donations |
Sandwich Making after Worship this SundayWe hope several of you will join together in the fellowship hall after worship to make sandwiches, which will be included in bagged meals for the homeless. These will be given out this coming Monday during the hours of the Clothing Ministry (6-7PM) |
Sunday MorningBible Study SeriesSeries: Prophet MarginsWe continue to dig into the prophets who stood on the margins. What might we learn if we took the risk to listen? Come join us in the Church parlor at 9:30 a.m.Sunday, August 7th”Learn To Do Good”Isaiah 1:1, 10-20,Psalm 50:1-8,22-23,Hebrews 11:1-3,8-16Facilitator:Eulene ShepherdTuesday Night Book Study7pm on ZoomMeeting ID: 846 9163 5471Passcode: FaithFeatured Book: Rooted & Rising: Voices of Courage in a Time of Climate CrisisFacilitator:Smithie ParrishReading assignment includes the Introduction and Question to PonderJoin Zoom Meeting Here |
Thank You for ServingLiturgist: Patti LovellSound Tech: John GrayAcolyte: Lucas PetersonBible Steward: Ethan LovellUshers: Ben Hale,Doris Sink, Eddie Yates, James GrayDigital Media Tech:Kivi and Jianna MillerSummer Pick-up ChoirNo robes, No pressure,Just Singing!Pick-up Choir Dates:August 7The Old Rugged CrossAugust 21I Love to Tell the StorySeptember 4 – He Leadeth MeContact Ellen Peterson if you have any questions: |
Ensure that the students at Charles England get a good start to the 2022-23 school year. FRUCC is providing 40 backpacks for students filled with school supplies. The school also needs certain items of clothing and basics for classrooms and the medical cabinet. Boxes are in the back of the sanctuary to leave donations in or you can drop them off at the church office.~ Monetary donations also accepted.~ |
Thank you to those that have begun to drop off needed supplies to the church office and boxes in the sanctuary! |
Connect with FRUCC – Volunteer Opportunities |
VOLUNTEERSNEEDEDFRUCC Community Garden If you would like to give of your time and green thumb to help in the community garden, please contact: Edgar Miller366-688-2651FRUCC SaturdayFree Lunch MinistryVolunteer to help with theSaturday Free Lunch Ministry here at First Reformed UCC. We need cooks, food prep and folks to help package meals. Please sign up below.Sign-up to Volunteer Here |
Clothing Ministry at FRUCCVolunteers are needed Thursday afternoons from 4-6pm to sort, fold & hang incoming clothing, and distribute to those coming to get clothing. Also, please consider helping on the first and fourth Monday from 6-7pm as we offer the opportunity to get clothing to those attending Open Hands Ministry, meal and worship events each month. |
OTHER WAYS TO GET INVOLVED AT FIRST REFORMEDBe a partner with Charles England elementary.Join in book study, even if it’s already started Drop in on Crucial Conversations on Faith and RaceVisit or write cards to those on our prayer listCome in person or Zoom to Sunday Bible StudyRead in worship Help with children and youth Help others by being a Usher or greeter in worship serviceStay in the balcony as a Sound TechPlay with the cameras and equipment as you help live streamSing in ChoirAttend the monthly Women’s Fellowship gathering |
Peer – to – Peer Education ProgramNAMI Peer-to-Peer is an 8-session recovery-focused course for adults with mental health conditions. It’s free and confidential, held weekly for two hours, led by peers with mental health conditions; a great resource for information on mental health and recovery. Offers respect, understanding, encouragement and hope, and builds on the strength and resilience of participants.NAMI NW Piedmont NC, an affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is now enrolling participants for NAMI Peer-to-Peer. The class will meet by Zoom on Saturdays from 11am-1pm and Sundays from 1:30-3:30pm starting in October 2022.To register contact:Sarah Hamby at shamby33@outlook.comSubject Line: Registration P2P ClassLeave a name and contact number. (You will be contacted by phone to complete registration.If you have any questions about NAMI or would like to participate in any activity, please reach out to Cathy at 704-502-9095 or email |
PFLAG is a national support, education and advocacy organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and genderqueer or non-conforming (LGBTQ) people, their families, friends and allies.Join meetings on the third Thursday of each monthat FRUCC in the fellowship hall – 6:30pm |
Stay in the know with meetings and events through 2CFAR in Lexington.Visit the 2CFAR website |
Please Hold In Prayer |
J.W. Bates, Jimbo Hinkle, Lynn McCarn, Bonita Hooper, Jeff Hutchens, Steve Ketner, Lee & Ellen Bouchard AT HOME: Peggy Bates, Ruth Essick, Gerri Hill, Hinkle, Myrtle Latimer, Deanna Michael, Carolyn Spivey IN CARE FACILITIES: Vogen Everheart, Marguerite Leonard, Patti Everhart, Sherry Bonner (Grayson Creek, 6781 Old Hwy. 52, Lexington) OUR FRIENDS: Franklin Waters (Cathy Whitley’s father), Yvonne Dobey (Frankie Hedrick’s sister), Sarah Lovell Biggers (Jerry & Patti Lovell’s daughter), Janice Mullineaux (Cathy Browder’s mother), Marc Frye (friend of the congregation), Scott Mooney (cousin of Lee Ann Peele), Laura Turlington (Cousin of Cliff Lopp), Jack Poetzinger (Susie Smiths Father), Larry Sink (Cousin of Paula Lopp), Earl Parker (Rev. Horton’s Father), Judy Stanley (Robin Champions Mother) |
WEEKLY CHURCH CALENDARSunday 8/7- Communion9:30am Adult Sunday School10:30am Worship ServiceSandwich Making (following service)6:00pm Youth GroupMonday, 8/86:00pm Clothing Ministry-Sandwich Bagged Meal7:00pm NAMI Family Support Group (online)Tuesday, 8/912:00pm Crucial Conversations on Faith and Race2CFAR (online)7:00pm Adult Book Study (online)Rooted & Rising: Voices of Courage in a Time ofClimate Change (Leah Schade & Margaret Bullitt-Jonas)Thursday, 8/114-6:00pm Clothing Ministry Workday-BasementFriday, 8/126:00pm Community Fun Night-Rockers Baseball GameSaturday, 8/1312:00pm Saturday Lunch MinistrySunday, 8/149:30am Adult Sunday School10:30am Worship ServiceConsistory Meeting following Worship4:00pm Community Worship6:00pm Youth Group |