First Reformed Church Picnic at Wildcat Mtn. Farm10,000 NC-47, Denton, NC 27239Gather at 10:30am, Service at 11am, lunch following~ Ken Davis providing music ~ |
Sunday’s Sermon: What Have We Lost?Rev. Elizabeth HortonScripture Reading: Mark 8:34-35 | FOR DIRECTIONS TOWILDCAT MOUTAIN FARMCLICK BELOWClick for Directions |
Looking Toward SundayA Message From Rev. HortonDear Beloved Community, This Sunday is our annual picnic at Wildcat Mountain Farm. Instead of worshipping in the sanctuary, we will meet about 20 minutes away to worship outside and eat lunch! We are so excited that Ken Davis will share his talents of playing guitar and singing in this service. If you regularly bring an offering to worship, we will have baskets here as well. We will worship at Wildcat Mountain, rain or shine. No need to dress up! Wear comfy clothes and outside shoes. We are grateful to Steve and Charlotte Smith for hosting us at this beautiful nature preserve. Fishing rods encouraged. There is a pond close by. The picture below shows the Wildcat Totem Pole and it’s history! On Sunday, you can take a guided tour of the property after lunch in an ATV. It’s a bumpy ride, but a beautiful ride! And Steve Smith is full of lots of interesting facts about the land. I conclude by saying thank you to Susie Smith for coordinating the meal and the volunteers. It’s a big job with lots of moving parts, so we are grateful she is willing to serve. I’m sure there is still room to volunteer if you’d like to help! If you can offer a ride to someone, please do. If you have questions, please reach out. We want as many folks to be able to come as possible. It’s also a great day to invite guests. Rev. Evan will be there with a special time and good games for the youth and children! Together with you in love, hope, and service. Elizabeth |
WILDCAT MOUNTAIN TOTEM POLE-2021-Totems come from our Native American ancestors and are symbols of a tribe or family much like a family crest. According to native American legends different animals act as guides through-out the journeys of our lives.Inexplicably, we are drawn to certain animals and receive a special feeling for nature’s energy through identifying with them. By this natural connection we gain spiritual wisdom about ourselves and come closer to being one with our environment.Our totem was carved by noted wood carver, James Miller, from an old eastern red cedar log harvested from Wildcat Mountain Lake. The animals depicted share common Wildcat member family traits which we may identify with and aspire to. Thru these totem symbols we honor the brother animals we hunt and give thanks to theri gift of sustenance in the “sacred circle of life.” |
Wildcat – Fierce, Cunning, Aggressive, SwiftDeer – Gentleness, Innocence, Graceful, EnergeticTurkey – Generosity, Abundance, Nobility, CommunityOwl – Wise, Sincere, Intuitive, Silent EloquenceRacoon – Curiosity, Cleanliness, Nocturnal, FamilyBeaver – Determined, Industrious, Protector, BuilderCoyote – Trickster, Adaptability, Playful, SlyBass – Intense, Stealthy, Quick, VoraciousRabbit – Humility, Timidity, Love, RebirthQuail – Protective, Harmony, Agility, CheerfulDuck – Energy, Vision, Adventure, Happiness | “All things are connected.” |
A Stroll Through Memory LanePast FRUCC Church Picnics |
We need volunteers to serve as Ushers for Sunday,June 19th and 26thPlease contact Eddie |
JUNE NEWSLETTER CLICK HERECLICK ABOVE TO GETTHE JUNE NEWSLETTER | Thank you for serving this SundayLiturgist: John Maze |
Tuesday Night Book Study7pm on ZoomMeeting ID: 846 9163 5471Passcode: FaithFeatured BookHis Truth Is Marching On: John Lewis and the Power of HopeClick Here & Join the Zoom Meeting |
FRUCC Clothes MinistryOpen Monday, June 27th at 6pmMEALS ON WHEELSDRIVERS NEEDEDDrivers are needed to deliver meals. Please contact Alisa Johnson if you can help. (336-357-0648) |
NAMI OF DAVIDSON COUNTYDo you have a loved one with mental illness? You are not alone. Family support groups will be available here in Davidson County for family of those living with mental illness. The support group will be led by Cathy and Joe Browder who are trained NAMI facilitators., The Family Support Group meets regularly on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at 7pm via Zoom. To ask questions and get Zoom information, please email Cathy at NAMIDavidsonCounty1@gmail.comAnnual Meeting and Guest Speaker, Chris Aiken, MDWhat is good for the body is good for the brain. Join us June 21, 2022 at 7PM the NAMI NW Piedmont, will hold NC’s Annual Meeting featuring guest speaker Dr. Chris Aiken. Learn about how what we eat can affect our brain’s wellbeing, just as it has effects on our other internal organs. Join Chris Aiken, MD, Psychiatrist and Director of the Mood Treatment Center to learn more about how our diet can help our brains. This free event is being held Tuesday, June 21 at 7 pm, via Zoom, event is limited to 100 attendees. Registration required. Register Dr. Aiken serves as a Clinical Instructor at the Wake Forest School of Medicine, and has authored several self-help books, as well as periodical medical publications. Readers may learn more about Dr. Aiken at |
Please Hold in Prayer…. |
Lynn McCarn, Joe Browder IN CARE FACILITIES: Vogen Everheart, Sherry Bonner, Margarite Leonard, Patti EverhartAT HOME: J.W. Bates, Peggy Bates, Lee & Ellen Bouchard, Ruth Essick, Gerri Hill, Lib & Jimbo Hinkle, Jeff Hutchens, Myrtle Latimer, Deanna Michael, Carolyn Spivey, Bonita HooperOUR FRIENDS: Franklin Waters (Cathy Whitley’s father),Yvonne Dobey (Frankie Hedrick’s sister), Sarah Lovell Biggers (Jerry & Patti Lovell’s daughter), Janice Mullineaux (Cathy Browder’s mother), Marc Frye (friend of the congregation), Scott Mooney (cousin of Lee Ann Peele), Noland Leonard (brother of Sylvia Walser). |
This Weeks Church Calendar |
Sunday 6/12 FRUCC Church Picnic10:30amGathering time11:00am Worship Service6:00pm Youth GroupTuesday, 6/1412:00pmCrucial Conversations on Faith and Race 2CFAR (Parlor & online)7:00pmAdult Book Study (online)His Truth is Marching On by Jon Meacham | Thursday, 6/16 4-6:00pmClothing Ministry Workday-Basement6:30pmPFLAG (parlor)Saturday, 6/1812:00pmSaturday Lunch MinistrySunday, 6/19Father’s Day and Juneteenth9:30amAdult Bible Study10:30amWorship10:45Young Disciples & Children’s Church6:00pmYouth Group |
Discover 2022 Catawba College Youth Theological InstituteRegister NOW at School Session: July 17-22 High School Session: July 10-15 website or email us at |
JOHNS RIVER VALLEYFOR STUDENTS GRADES 4-12Johns River Valley Camp is making plans to provide Outdoor Ministry opportunities during the summer of 2022. Camps will be provided for Campers grades 4-12. Please use THIS LINK you will find more information about the camps and can register online. |