June 19, 2022 Weekly News

June 19, 2022 Weekly News

Sunday’s Sermon:  On the Edge of FaithRev. Elizabeth HortonScripture Reading: 1 Kings 19: 3-8
Looking Toward SundayA Message From Rev. HortonDear Beloved Community, Thanks to all who worshipped at Wildcat Mountain Farm last week! We had a wonderful time, thanks to hosts Steve and Charlotte Smith, and to the Picnic Coordinator, Susie Smith! We thank the many hands that were a part of the preparation, and the many folks who volunteered. It was a great day, we worshipped with creatures great and small – Rev. Don Morgan even caught a fish or two! We are truly blessed to have the tremendous spirit of love and fellowship that was present on Sunday.  We had lots of great photos taken that day and they will be featured in the July Newsletter.As we enter the summer, we long for a restful mind and peace-filled heart, yet we know life is incredibly difficult for many in this moment. Fear, anger, bitterness, and loss of hope seem to be prevalent. We as a people seem to be “on edge” for many reasons. Some on the edge of a desert spiritually and emotionally. On the Edge is where we begin on Sunday, kicking off our 5-week sermon series on 3 prophets: Elijah, Elisha, and Amos. Throughout scriptures, the prophets are usually on the edges of society, always a bit out of place. They speak the uncomfortable truths we don’t like to hear, which definitely puts most folks on edge. But those who are willing to listen, will also hear the prophets speaking words of hope and promise even to the ones who are living on the edge.This summer, for a few weeks, let us listen as together we go to the Edge of Our Faith.As this Sunday marks Fathers’ Day, all the men in the congregation will get a special surprise!  -PeaceElizabeth P. Horton
What Makes a DadBy Unknown AuthorGod took the strength of a mountain,The majesty of a tree,The warmth of a summer sun,The calm of a quiet sea,The generous soul of nature,The comforting arm of night,The wisdom of the ages,The power of the eagle’s flight,The joy of a morning in spring,The faith of a mustard seed,The patience of eternity,The depth of a family need,Then God combined these qualities,When there was nothing more to add,He knew His masterpiece was complete,And so, He called it … DadJuneteenth(Sunday, June 19th)Juneteenth marks the day when federal troops arrived in Galveston, Texas in 1865 to take control of the state and ensure that all enslaved people be freed. The troops’ arrival came a full two and a half years after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation. One year later freed slaves in Texas celebrated the first Juneteenth on June 19, and it was called “Jubilee Day”.Juneteenth honors the end to slavery in the United States and is considered the longest-running African American holiday. On June 17, 2021, it officially became a federal holiday. 
We need volunteers to serve as Ushers for upcoming Sundays.Please contact Eddie Yatesbbqman46@gmail.com
Thank You for ServingLiturgists: Doris SinkSound Tech: Dave FultonAcolyte: Emma HartleUshers: Alane HolsteDigital Media Tech: Kivi & Jianna Miller
Tuesday NightBook Study7pm on ZoomMeeting ID: 846 9163 5471Passcode: FaithClick Here & Join the Zoom MeetingFeatured BookHis Truth Is Marching On: John Lewis and the Power of Hope
AT IT AGAIN… AND FEELING GOOD ABOUT IT!Good News! Our church has resorted our ministry relationship with the Charles England Elementary School after a much too long absence during the COVID 19 pandemic.On Wednesday, May 25th, eleven of our church members answered the call to give of their time, talents, and finances to enable the graduating fifth grade class to have a celebration of their accomplishments in the form of a picnic lunch.It was a wonderful day for all. The children were well behaved. The teachers and staff were very grateful for our care and concern for their students.We left with a feeling that we had done a good job for Charles England Elementary School, enhancing the ministry of First Reformed UCC in our Community.In the future, if you would like to aid in our ministry to Charles England Elementary School, simply respond to Ben Hale or Jay Whitley when the opportunity arises. Your assistance, in any way, will always be appreciated.Be proud you are a viable part of The First Reformed United Church of Christ where we have a desire to “Be The Church”.Jay Whitley
FRUCC Clothes MinistryOpen Monday, June 27th at 6pmDrivers are needed to deliver meals. Please contact Alisa Johnson if you can help. (336-357-0648)
NAMI OF DAVIDSON COUNTYDo you have a loved one with mental illness? You are not alone. Family support groups will be available here in Davidson County for family of those living with mental illness.  The support group will be led by Cathy and Joe Browder who are trained NAMI facilitators., The Family Support Group meets regularly on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at 7pm via Zoom. To ask questions and get Zoom information, please email Cathy at NAMIDavidsonCounty1@gmail.com
Please Hold in Prayer….
Lynn McCarn, Joe Browder,Bonita Hooper, & Jeff Hutchens AT HOME: J.W. Bates, Peggy Bates, Lee & Ellen Bouchard, Ruth Essick, Gerri Hill, Lib & Jimbo Hinkle, Myrtle Latimer, Deanna Michael, Carolyn Spivey IN CARE FACILITIES: Vogen Everheart, Sherry Bonner, Marguerite Leonard, Patti Everhart OUR FRIENDS: Franklin Waters (Cathy Whitley’s father), Yvonne Dobey (Frankie Hedrick’s sister), Sarah Lovell Biggers (Jerry & Patti Lovell’s daughter), Janice Mullineaux (Cathy Browder’s mother), Marc Frye (friend of the congregation), Scott Mooney (cousin of Lee Ann Peele), Noland Leonard (brother of Sylvia Walser), Laura Turlington (Cousin of Cliff Lopp)
HAPPY BIRTHDAYTo Peggy BatesThis coming Wednesday, June 22nd,Peggy Bates will be celebrating her 90th birthday!Feel free to bring a birthday card to church on Sunday and we’ll get it delivered!
This Weeks Church Calendar
Sunday  6/192nd Sunday after PentecostFather’s Day & Juneteenth           9:30amAdult Bible School10:30am         Worship Service6:00pm          Youth GroupMonday, 6/20NAMI Family Support Group (online)Tuesday, 6/2112:00pmCrucial Conversations on Faith and Race 2CFAR (Parlor & online)7:00pmAdult Book Study (online)His Truth is Marching On by Jon MeachamThursday, 6/23 4-6:00pmClothing Ministry Workday-BasementSaturday, 6/2512:00pmSaturday Lunch MinistrySunday  6/269:30amAdult Bible Study10:30amWorship2:00 pmEmma West – Recital6:00pmYouth GroupEmma WestRecital at First Reformed UCCin the SanctuarySunday, June 26th at 2pm
All are invited. Join Emma West in her second performance of her Junior Recital. Attendees can expect an afternoon of music spanning centuries of repertoire with selections in French, Italian, German, and English. Emma will be accompanied by her first voice and piano teacher, Bruce Tippette.The program is expected to run approximately 30-45 minutes.
Discover 2022 Catawba College Youth Theological InstituteRegister NOW at www.catawba.edu/discoverMiddle School Session: July 17-22    High School Session: July 10-15     website www.catawba.edu/discover or email us at discover@catawba.edu.