May 15, 2022 Weekly News

May 15, 2022 Weekly News

First Reformed United Church of Christis an Open and Affirming CongregationWe welcome into the full life and ministry of the church all people, regardless of ability, age, education, ethnicity, family or marital status, gender identity or expression, income, nationality, political affiliation, race, sexual orientation, or any other distinction. At the baptismal font and at the communion table, from the nursery cribs to the church leadership, whether you were raised in a church or have never, before attended one, you are welcome here.
Please Join Us For Sunday Worship on YOUTUBE  All You Need is LoveRev. Elizabeth HortonScripture Reading:   John 13: 31-35
Looking toward SundayA Message From Rev. Horton Dear Beloved Community, This Sunday we get to celebrate! It’s that time of year when we recognize those in our church family graduating high school and college, and we get to celebrate those who have other milestones, like finishing preschool, elementary or middle school.  Two of the graduates, Ava Miller and Keri Hartle will share a few words in worship about this time in their lives.  After worship, you are invited to a reception hosted by The Board of Congregational Life in the back parking lot. This is why you might notice Sunday morning a few parking spots roped off. There will definitely still be spaces reserved for handicapped parking.  Let us come and give thanks to God for the joys among us. Let us proclaim the Good News that the Love of Christ is present through all of the beginnings and endings of our lives!  In hope, love, and joy,Elizabeth 
THANK YOU FOR SERVING THIS SUNDAYLiturgist: Alane Holste           Sound Tech: John GrayAcolyte: Ethan Lovell       Bible Steward: Lucas PetersonUshers: Alane Holste, Lisa Nelson,Doris Sink, Michell WinterDigital Media Tech: Jeremy PetersonNEWSLETTERClick above forMay 2022 Newsletter
To volunteer and/or donate food please contact Jay Whitley 336-749-2566Hotdog Lunch forCharles England Elementary SchoolWednesday – May 25, 2022Volunteers & Food Donations NeededFirst Reformed UCC is hosting a hotdog lunch for students of Charles England Elementary School and we need your help. (100 Students)We need 4-5 volunteers to serve food and donations of hotdogs, individually bagged chips, juice boxes and condiments. (hotdog buns have been donated)
FRUCC Clothes Ministry – WE HAVE SIGNS!
Open Hands Ministry will begin a MEAL, MINISTRY, and MUSIC event serving dinner outside at St. Stephen UMC on the first and fourth Monday nights, beginning May 9 at 6:30pm. Our Clothes Ministry will be open from 6-7:00pm on Mondays to assist those in need. To volunteer to help serve the meal or help with the Clothes Ministry, please contact John Maze. (704-524-6462)
NAMI OF DAVIDSON COUNTYDo you have a loved one with mental illness? You are not alone. Family support groups will be available here in Davidson County for family of those living with mental illness.  The support group will be led by Cathy and Joe Browder who are trained NAMI facilitators., The Family Support Group meets regularly on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at 7pm via Zoom. To ask questions and get Zoom information, please email Cathy at
MEALS ON WHEELS DRIVERS NEEDEDDrivers are needed to deliver meals. Please contact Alisa Johnson if you can help. (336-357-0648)
Please Hold in Prayer….
HOSPITAL: Lynn McCarn, Joe Browder IN CARE FACILITIES: Vogen Everheart, Sherry Bonner, Margarite Leonard, Patti EverhartAT HOME: J.W. Bates, Peggy Bates, Lee & Ellen Bouchard, Ruth Essick, Gerri Hill, Lib & Jimbo Hinkle, Jeff Hutchens, Myrtle Latimer, Deanna Michael, Carolyn Spivey, Bonita HooperOUR FRIENDS: Franklin Waters (Cathy Whitley’s father), Yvonne Dobey (Frankie Hedrick’s sister), Sarah Lovell Biggers (Jerry & Patti Lovell’s daughter), Janice Mullineaux (Cathy Browder’s mother), Charm & Steve Ketner, Marc Frye (friend of the congregation), Scott Mooney (cousin of Lee Ann Peele)
This Weeks Church Calendar
Sunday, May 15 – Graduation and Milestone Sunday9:30am       Adult Sunday School10:30am     Worship Service                   Consistory Meeting6:00pm       Youth Group  Monday, May 16                   5:30pm     Pastoral Relations Committee Meeting7:00pm      NAMI Family Support Group Tuesday, May 17 6:00am     Primary Elections Voting at FRUCC                 In Fellowship Hall12:00pm    2CFAR (online)7:00pm      Book Study (online)                 His Truth is Marching On by Jon Meacham Wednesday, May 186:30pm      Choir Practice                  Children’s Fun & Games                  Youth Study Thursday, May 19  4-6:00pm   Clothing Ministry Workday-Basement 6:30pm       PFLAG (parlor) Saturday, May 2112:00pm      Saturday Lunch Ministry Sunday, May 22 – Confirmation Sunday9:30am        Adult Sunday school      10:30am      Worship Service 6:00pm       Youth Group LOOKING AHEADWomen’ Life Fellowship Meeting – May 23rdRed Cross Blood Drive at FRUCC – May 26thPentecost and Communion – June 5thFRUCC Church Picnic at Wild Cat Mountain – June 12th
Discover 2022 Catawba College Youth Theological InstituteRegister NOW at School Session: July 17-22    High School Session: July 10-15     Catawba College will welcome middle and high school students to participate in its Youth Theology Institute for the 8th year this July. Check out our website or email us at is a program that challenges youth during this formative time in their lives to engage in careful theological and moral reflection and activity, enabling them to discover God in new ways, especially as incarnational and interactive; discover who they are as children of God; discover how to live out their faith; and discover what they are called to do vocationally.
JOHNS RIVER VALLEYFOR STUDENTS GRADES 4-12Johns River Valley Camp is making plans to provide Outdoor Ministry opportunities during the summer of 2022. Camps will be provided for Campers grades 4-12. Mission Camp is available July 19-24th. Please contact Elizabeth if you have questions or are interested. Please use THIS LINK you will find more information about the camps and can register online.