October 2, 2022 Weekly news

October 2, 2022 Weekly news

 The Beginning ofStewardship SeasonSermon: At the TableRev. Elizabeth HortonScripture Reading:Matthew 26: 26-29
Messages From Rev. Horton
Looking toward Sunday  The first Sunday in October is always World Communion Sunday. I love this day! As we eat the bread and drink the cup, we remember we are united with millions all over the world who follow Christ. The first Sunday in October also marks our 7-year Anniversary together!  I am grateful for your loving spirit and passion for justice. You have extended mercy freely. You have witnessed my mess-ups and repeatedly shown me grace. Thank you for loving me and my family. Thank you for allowing me into some of the most precious and fragile moments of your lives. Thank you for your willingness to dream of what is yet to come. I am so very grateful to be your Pastor, and I look forward to our future with excitement and hope!This Sunday, we begin a new 8-week series, “From Bread and Cup to Faith and Giving.” As we gather at the table of Christ, let us remember the unbounded and unconditional love given to each of us. ElizabethFuture Sunday ServicesOct. 2    The Last Supper (Matt 26: 26-29)Oct. 9    Feeding the 5,000 (Mk 6:30-44) – Please bring loaves of bread & canned fishOct.16   From east and west and north and south (Luke 13:22-30) Oct.23   Eating Jesus’ flesh and drinking Jesus’ blood (John 6:53-59 Oct.30   Breaking of bread in the early church (Acts 2:42-47) – Please bring PastaNov. 6   The cup and the bread: a sharing in the body of Christ (1 Cor 10:14-22) Nov.13  Feasting and Feeding (Jude) Nov.20  Jesus knocks at the door and comes in to eat (Rev 3:14-22) 
As long as the earth exists,seedtime and harvest, cold and hot,summer and autumn, day and night will not cease.Genesis, 8:22
Dear Beloved Community,  The cooler air and falling leaves let us know summer has finally transitioned into Fall. The weather may not always indicate when the season changes, but we know that summer will not last forever. Seasons change. Genesis reminds us that changing seasons have been part of the rhythm of creation since time began.  We enter a season of change in the ministry staff at First Reformed. Rev. Evan Sieges, Director of Youth and Children’s Ministries, is bringing his ministry with us to an end.  Evan has connected with the youth, engaged their questions, helped them laugh and build community with one another. Through his Wednesday night studies, Evan did a wonderful job sharing his vast knowledge of the scriptures in a way the Youth could understand, Engaging them in Bible Study and Theology as it relates to them and their world. On Sunday mornings, he helped the children bring Bible Stories to life in Children’s Church, with Lazarus breaking free from wrappings of toilet paper, and The Golden Calf showing up as a boy with 2 arms and 2 legs.  …But the 4-sqaure! A game for all levels of athletes, Evan helped the kids emerge out of their shells through the simple, yet potentially competitive game of 4 square! Evan’s time here among us has been such a blessing.  While we are extremely sad to see him leave, we fully support Evan’s decision to follow where he feels called.    In his letter to the Congregation, Rev. Evan writes,” “I am so thankful for the time I have gotten to spend among you all. It has been a great honor and privilege to be a part of this body of Christ as we have sought to honor the Lord Jesus together. You have taught me things about myself, and about ministry, that I will carry with me throughout the duration of my ministerial career, however long that may be. I want to write directly to the Youth and Children of FRUCC; I love you all so very, very much. My resignation has nothing to do with any of you, and is not your fault in any way, shape of form. It’s no one’s fault, because no one, including you all, myself, or anyone at the church, did anything wrong. Sometimes, in life, changes happen because circumstances change, and when those changes come, we have a responsibility to adapt to them, even if they make us sad. And, while it makes me sad to be departing this position, it makes me happy knowing that I got to know each of you and be in your lives, even if I wish it could have been for a little longer. Getting to know, laugh, learn, play, and listen with you is something that I will treasure for the rest of my life. You will always have someone out there who loves you, is praying for you, and who you can call upon, should you ever need anything. I will continue to hold the staff, congregants, and partners of FRUCC in my prayers as this time of transition continues. I have found that it is in seasons of transition where the work of God persists in the most unexpected of ways, cultivating the most unexpected of results, and bringing about a season of renewal that changes everything. It is my prayer that phenomenon endures for myself, and FRUCC, in light of this change…” (Rev. Evan’s full Letter is posted on the Bulletin Board in the Edu. Building.) Evan’s last Sunday at First Reformed UCC is October 9, 2022. The youth and children will have a time after worship to celebrate Evan and send him off with love. More details to come. As we enter into yet another season of change, we will trust in the God whose goodness, mercy, and guidance accompanies us through every season.    With trust and hope, God bless you.Rev. Elizabeth P. Horton 
8th, 9th, 10th graders! Confirmation classes will begin this Fall. Confirmation is a time of exploration of our faith and tradition. Over several months, we help teens ask tough questions and search out answers .NO QUESTION IS OFF LIMITS! Check out the curriculum here: Confirm Not Conform Please contact Rev. Horton for more info, and to sign up. elizabeth@frucc.org
Sunday Morning Worship Service VolunteersThank you for your time, talents, and willingness to serve atFirst Reformed UCC
We need volunteers to serve as Ushers for upcoming Sundays.Please contact Eddie Yates if you have any questionsbbqman46@gmail.com
Sunday Morning Bible Study Series For October
Title of the series: From Bread and Cup, to Faith and Giving Our Sunday morning Bible Study For October and November will be a journey into the Spiritual Practice of Generosity Around the Table of Jesus. You’re invited to join this lively group at 9:30 a.m. in the Church Parlor.
October 2  World-Wide Communion Sunday, The Last Supper Matthew 26:26-29  Facilitator: June Grubb
October 9 Feeding of the Five Thousand Mark 6:30-44 Facilitator: Cathy Whitley
October 16 People From East & West and North & South Eat Bread Luke: 13:22-30 Facilitator: TBA
October 23  Eating Jesus’ Flesh and Drinking Jesus’ Blood John 6:52-59 Facilitator: TBAOctober 30  Breaking of Bread in the Early Church Acts 2:43-47 Facilitator: June Grubb
November 6 Homecoming/Honoring The Saints The Cup and Bread: A Sharing in the Body of Christ1 Corinthians 10:14-22 Facilitator: TBA 
November 14 At the Table of Love Jude 12:16  Facilitator: Cathy Whitley 
November 21 Commitment Sunday Jesus Knocks at the Door and Comes in to Eat Revelation 3:14-20 Facilitator: June Grubb 
Click Here & Join the Zoom MeetingTUESDAY NIGHT BOOK STUDYOur current book is Rooted and Rising Voices of Courage in a Time of Climate Crisis by Leah Schade and Margaret Bullitt-Jonas. It is a collection of essays by people across many different faiths who work in the faith-and-climate movement. In these essays they share their struggles and frustrations as well as the sources of hope that sustain them and keep them moving forward. In the words of the writers, “We chose the title Rooted and Rising … because of the universal symbolism of the tree. We must reach deep into our soil of scriptural and spiritual wisdom in order to draw up the life-giving water and nutrients that can sustain the trunk, branches, and leaves of the whole “family tree” that makes its home on earth.”
Choir Director, Ellen Peterson10 Year Anniversary at FRUCC Sept. 11th.On Sunday, September 11th, the church honored Ellen Peterson with special recognition, gifts and a reception for her 10-Year Anniversary as the church’s Music Director. Elizabeth Horton, Pastor, and John Gray, Consistory President presented the gifts during the worship service. Everyone was invited to attend the reception following worship.Click to Read Entire Article about Ellen
Thank You…Tyro Methodist Church for your donation of 200pair of under-ware for the Clothing Ministry!
What’s going on at FRUCC
ALL CHURCH(indoor & outdoor)CLEAN-UP DAYSATURDAY – OCT. 8TH FROM 9AM TO 12PMCome bring your cleaning buckets and yard tools! FRUCC needs a little TLC.We will be dusting blinds and window seals, wiping down soiled walls in the EDU bldg., and polishing pews indoors. We will be tidying up the outside as well.
It is already that time of year again! Each year First Reformed does a spectacular job helping Grace Episcopal serve meals through the front door to people in need. Grace Episcopal is not dining in, so meals are bagged and handed to each person.We need 3-4 volunteers for each Sunday in November to help serve. We arrive at 12 noon and are finished by 1:30 pm. Dates are: 11/6, 11/13, 11/20, 11/27 Please let John Maze know as soon as possible which Sunday you can volunteer your time!704-524-6462 – mazejmaze1@aol.com – jackie@frucc.org -or use the sign-up genius coming soon Peace in Christ,John Maze
HOMECOMINGSave the date for Sunday, November 6th and join the celebration of our annual Homecoming! The 10:30 service will also be a Memorial Service for members who have died during the past year.Please invite family and friends to come and be a part of this day of special music, food, and fellowship!
Get Involved and Connect at FRUCC
• Help plant or harvest in our Community Garden 
• Join in helping with the Saturday Lunch Ministry 
• Fold, sort or give away in the Clothing Ministry 
• Be a partner with Charles England elementary.
• Join in book study, even if it’s already started • Drop in on 2CFAR (Crucial Conversations on Faith and Race)
• visit or write cards to those on our prayer list
• Come in Person or Zoom to Sunday Bible Study
• Read in worship or join the choir or handbells
• Help with children and youth • Help others find their way as an Usher in worship service
• Stay in the balcony as a Sound Tech
• Play with the cameras and equipment as you gathering
Join Women’s Fellowship or Men’s Brotherhood Group
Women’s Fellowship…   September 28, 2022The members of Women’s Fellowship met September 28th at Yarborough’sRestaurant with 17 ladies in attendance. The meeting was called to order by Treasurer Belinda Yates in the absence of President Glenyce Fulton. Harriette Murphy gave a program entitled “Messy Kitchen, Messy Heart” reminding us all that God is always with us.We welcomed Mary Jo Jessup back to Circle. WF gained a new member, Cathy Browder. We were happy to have Carolyn Grubb, June Grubb’s sister-in-law, as a guest. We began work on a small project for girls at CEES.We will be sponsoring an Inter-Generation Jack-o-Lantern Decorating Event on Sunday afternoon on October 23 from 4-6;00. Everyone is invited, there is no charge, you just need to let Jackie know how many pumpkins you want by October 15. There will be snacks provided when the decorating is completed.Women’s Fellowship will be selling our famous Vegetable Soup and having a bake sale on Sunday, November 13th. The soup will be $10 a quart and is by presale. Either contact the office or a member of the Circle to reserve your quart of soup. You can either pay when you place your order or when you pick it up.There will be a Rada Cutlery sale going on from October through December. This year there will be on-line sales only. There are specific details and instructions in the October Newsletter. If you need help with the technology, please ask.Our Circle will be feeding 50 members of the LSHS JV Football team and their coaches a pregame meal on Thursday October 20th. If any of you, especially you former Yellow Jackets, would like to help set up, serve, and/or cleanup, we would certainly appreciate your assistance.Our next actual meeting will be a Holiday Meeting (combining the two busy months of November and December) on December 14th, 11:30 at Yarborough’s Restaurant. Ladies of the First Family, we would love to have you join us! Patti P. Lovell, Secretary
RADA Cutlery FundraiserWomen’s Fellowship is having a Rada Cutlery Fundraiser Sale, online, for October through December. Log on to radafundraising.com and type in Lexington NC 27295. Tap Search and choose First Reformed Women’s Fellowship to access all items. For questions contact Rita Lohr at rlohr@triad.rr.com or 336-346-7607.
Charles England Elementary SchoolBen Hale and Jay WhitleyIf you are old enough and care to remember back to the era of the 1960’s, you might recall a song that pretty much epitomized the era of “choice and change.” It was written by the legendary songwriter, Hal David, and the music composed by the great, Burt Bacharach. It is probably coming back to you now. Yes, the song was entitled, “What The World Needs Now Is Love!”           In the year 2022 they may have composed and performed a song that is very similar to this former colossal hit. The song would be entitled “What The World Needs Now Is A Volunteer.” It would be a sequel to “What The World Needs Now Is Love” because you must have LOVE in your heart to be a VOLUNTEER.           According to Jesus’ life and teachings one must be willing to be sacrificial, and in the lifestyle of service, be unselfish! When one takes time to give the sacrificial gift, she or he becomes a volunteer. . .not thinking of, or caring for, personal gain. She or he who volunteers exemplifies a servant’s heart.           At First Reformed United Church of Christ, we have many ways one can become a volunteer in our numerous social ministries, one of which is The Charles England Elementary School Ministry. In this ministry I am sure that a person who gives of himself/herself will receive untold more blessings than one gives. I have experienced this. I was once told that “a person never stands so tall as when bends her/his knee to help a child.”           We need volunteers to help fill backpacks. We also need “reading buddies” to help children learn to read. Also, we need classroom volunteers. Too, we could use volunteers to help when we do projects for the school, such as giving students and/or teachers and staff special celebrations. And we will also appreciate those with positive ideas who are willing to head-up particular ministries.           Friends, Charles England Elementary School is our ministry. We chose to be volunteers to help them. Just giving of your money, though graciously appreciated, is not enough. These wonderful girls and boys need to see us and experience our “hands on” love! Ask yourself, can I give an hour or two a week to children who would give you a blessing too!           Just think. . .one day you may be able to say that you helped a child learn to read who became a United States Senator, or helped find a cure for cancer, or became a well-known clergy person.           If you believe that the world could use a little more love, come and volunteer with us at the Charles England ministry.                                                           Jay Whitley
FRUCC Saturday Free Lunch MinistryVolunteer to help! Positions needed:Cooks, servers, and helping hands
Saturday Lunch-September*308 served for the month*38 cases of canned fruits and vegetables picked up from Jamestown pantry Sept. 13th. (No meats available again for several months.) We continue to stock up on what we can get with vegetables and fruits.    September balance:Beginning balance: $4001.Purchases: $497.89 (includes 100 rain ponchos &100 soup bowls/lids total $148)Donations: $100.00Ending ballance: $3603.11.Thank you !Thank you to our volunteers that help put the meals together each Saturday! We need cooks and servers! Please contact John at 704-524-6462 to see what is involved with preparing a meal. It is easier than one might think! Interested in donating? We need bags of precooked chicken for sandwiches, ground beef, pork shoulders, and monetary donations that we can use to pick up these items. We can also use HUGS fruit flavored drinks (Walmart carries) and cases of water.  
PFLAG is a national support, education and advocacy organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and genderqueer or non-conforming (LGBTQ) people, their families, friends and allies.Join meetings on the third Thursday of each monthat FRUCC in the fellowship hall – 6:30pmNAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, provides support and education services to those affected by mental illness and the people who love and support them. If you have any questions about NAMI or would like to participate in any activity, reach out to Cathy at 704-502-9095 or email NAMIDavidsoncounty1@gmail.com NAMI Family Support Group Meeting Each Month The 1st and 3rd MondaysThe 2nd & 4th Tuesdays
Please Hold in Prayer….
Brian McKerlie, John Smith, J.W. Bates, Jimbo Hinkle, Bonita Hooper, Jeff Hutchens, Steve & Charm Ketner, 
AT HOME: Peggy Bates, Ruth Essick, Gerri Hill, Lib Hinkle, Myrtle Latimer, Deanna Michael, Carolyn Spivey 
IN CARE FACILITIES: Vogen Everheart, Sherry Bonner, Marguerite Leonard, Patti Everhart 
OUR FRIENDS: Sarah Lovell Biggers (Jerry & Patti Lovell’s daughter), Laura Turlington (Cousin of Cliff Lopp), Jack Poetzinger (Susie Smith’s Father), Larry Sink (Cousin of Paula Lopp), Earl Parker (Rev. Horton’s Father),Rena Y. Curia (sister to Cheryl Walser)
In Memory of Gregory Evans
Bill & Carolyn Robbins, Carolyn Spivey
In Memory of R.C. Hedrick
Frank Leonard
Honorariums: Alice Gray, Chris Kiser
10/1—-Stacey Potts 10/2—-Eugenia Holste, Adena Wall
10/6—-Joy Walser 10/7—-Kelsey Johnson 10/9—-Griff Smith 10/12—-Bill Robbins
10/14—-Landon Leonard 10/20—-Lee Ann Peele
10/21—-Mark Loper 10/22—-Molly Robertson 10/25—-Jamie Link 10/28—-Nicole Smith 
Oct. 1st John & Susie Smith 
Oct. 23rd Jeremy & Keri Lovell 
Oct. 25th Kenry & Kay Crouse 
Oct. 30th Albert & Melody Evans