October 30, 2022 weekly news

October 30, 2022 weekly news

Sunday's Sermon
Sharing Everything?
Rev. Elizabeth Horton

Scripture: Acts 2: 43-47
Sunday’s Sermon:  Sharing Everything?
Rev. Elizabeth Horton
Scripture: Acts 2: 43-47

It's Time to Sign-up and attend a Table Talk

It’s Time to Sign-up

and attend a Table Talk

As part of our series From Bread and Cup to Faith and Giving, we are scheduling Table Talks. These are small group gatherings hosted by church leadership during Stewardship. Table Talk gatherings bring congregation members together in casual settings to have conversations about our thoughts on faith and money, stewardship and the church. 

This is a great time to share your ideas and visions moving forward at FRUCC. You are only asked to attend one and they last around 1 1/2 hours. 

Please click a box below and sign-up to attend one of the Table Talks below.

Thank You

Table Talk – Oct. 29 at 4 pm Home of  HostsJohn Maze & Ben Hale Finger Foods & BeverageTable Talk – Oct. 30 at 12pm FRUCC Fellowship Hall Hosts Eddie & Belinda Yates Lunch (FULL)
Table Talk – Nov. 3 at 4 pm FRUCC Parlor Host – Smithie ParrishTea & Finger Foods(8 seats)Table Talk – Nov. 8 at 6:30 pm  Yarboroughs Restaurant Host -Betty Barr Hosting Dinner (8 seats)Table Talk –  Nov. 13th  after Worship Meet in the Fellowship Hall Finger Foods & Beverage(12 seats)

NEW BOOK STUDYStarting Tuesday – Nov. 1st.NO book study next week.“Jesus and the Disinherited” by Howard Thurman, renown African-American theologian. At the time of his death in 1981, Howard Thurman was Dean Emeritus of Marsh Chapel, Boston University, and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Howard Thurman Educational Trust in San Francisco. He also served as Dean of Rankin Chapel and Professor of Theology at Howard University in Washington, D.C. and Director of Religious Life at Morehouse College, Atlanta.
His book, Jesus and the Disinherited, uses the New Testament gospels to describe how a non-violent civil rights movement could be successful. This book influenced a number of civil rights leaders including James Farmer founder of the Congress on Racial Equality (CORE) and Martin Luther King, Jr., (whose father studied at Morehouse during Thurman’s tenure) who carried the book with him whenever he marched. The book study continues on Tuesday evenings by ZOOM. Several copies of the book will be available in the church office. We invite you to join us at 7:00 p.m. beginning November 1st.

Last Sunday
Please list” NIN Offering” in your check MEMO section.
Neighbors in Need (NIN) is a special mission offering of the United Church of Christ that supports ministries of justice and compassion in the United States.

Visitation & Memorial Service

for Jeff Hutchens

Saturday, Nov. 5th – 6-8pm Visitation

Memorial Service

Sunday, Nov. 6th – 3:30pm

To View Obituary

Liturgist: Marge Doty
Acolyte: Ethan Lovell
Bible Steward: Kyndell Lovell
Ushers: Eddie Yates,
Ted Smith, June Grubb, Jeremy Lovell
Sound Tech: Dave Fulton
Media Tech: Jianna & Kivi Miller
Nursery: Smithie Parrish & Kai Plummer


Ben recently received an email from the Guidance Counselor at Charles England with some potentially, deeply troubling news. Apparently the economic situation is our country has made its way to the localities, including the schools. There is the possibility that the Backpacking Program at Charles England will cease unless folks like you lend a helping hand.

At this time we are using funds in our Charles England School account to help make it through 2022, but beyond this… who knows?

We are all being affected by the economic situation here in the US. Those who hurt the most are those who have not enough to eat. I speak of the children we support at Charles England.

Please bring non-perishable foods by the church office or send financial contributions. Make sure the memo line of you check reads Charles England School Ministry.

Thank you,

Ben Hale and Jay Whitley

Below is a list of food items we have received that are most needed for this ministry at this time.

Microwavable single serve sizes of
cans of Chef Boyardee foods such as ravioli, spaghetti O’s, etc.
Beenie Weenies
Ramen Noodles
Pop Tarts
Mack & Cheese
Juice boxes