Sunday’s Sermon A Work In Progress:When to Apply PressureRev. Elizabeth HortonScripture Reading:Jeremiah 8:18 & 9:1 |
A Message FromRev. Elizabeth Horton |
Dear Beloved Community, It’s Time for Big Board Sunday! All Are Invited! After worship on September 18, you are invited to the Fellowship Hall. We’ll get a light lunch. Each of our Ministry Boards will then separate into different places in the Educational Building for their meetings. For those who are NOT serving on a Board, please stay in the Fellowship Hall for a time of conversation and gathering.Children and youth will have their own activities. With the logistics of doing life together becoming increasingly more complex, we as a church must make adaptations so that we can re-connect, re-engage, and re-envision ministry for this day and age.One way is through this 6 month experiment of monthly Big Board Sundays! Are you on one of these Ministry Boards or would you like to be? Church BOARDS Broad Purpose and Examples Community Outreach Reach out to the needs in Community: Clothes Ministry, Saturday Lunch, Charles England Elementary School Partner, Community Garden Congregational Life Help us build and strengthen relationships through Food and Fellowship: Meal teams, Bereavement Teams, Fellowship Events, Homebound Ministry Evangelism Invite people to church, welcome visitors, assist new members, reach out to inactive members: Prayer shawls, Prayer partners, community events, music concerts, Faith Formation Help all ages to grow in Faith: Bible Studies, Book Studies, Sunday School, Youth and Children’s Committee Worship and Sacrament Work with Pastor to plan and carry out Worship services: Music committee, Communion preparation, altarscapes, ushers, greeters Property Management Maintain and repair facilities and church property I hope you will join us after worship on Sunday!In faith, hope, and love,Elizabeth |
8th, 9th, 10th graders!Confirmation classes will begin this Fall.Confirmation is a time of exploration of our faith and tradition. Over several months, we help teens ask tough questions and search out answers.NO QUESTION IS OFF LIMITS!Check out the curriculum here: Confirm Not ConformPlease contact Rev. Horton for more info, and to sign up. |
Sunday MorningBible Study SeriesSeries: Prophet MarginsWe continue to dig into the prophets who stood on the margins. What might we learn if we took the risk to listen? Come join us in the Church parlor at 9:30 a.m.September 18 “Debts Are Tossed” Facilitator: TBAJeremiah 8:18-9: 1 Luke 16:1-13Tuesday Night Book Study7pm on ZoomMeeting ID: 846 9163 5471Passcode: FaithFeatured Book: Rooted & Rising: Voices of Courage in a Time of Climate CrisisJoin Zoom Meeting Here |
Thank You for ServingLiturgist: Alain HolsteAcolyte: Emma HartleBible Steward:Caroline WhiteUshers: Eddie YatesMedia Tech: Kivi &Jianna Miller |
Ensure that the students at Charles England Elementary School have our support throughout the 2022-23 school year. | Do you have a few spare hours during the week to dedicate to volunteering at Charles England as a mentor or reading buddy? If so, contact Jay Whitley or Ben Hale to get signed up! Your time could change a childs life! |
“Volunteering is at the very core of being a human. No one has made it through life without someone else’s help.” – Heather French Henry |
Connect with FRUCC – Volunteer Opportunities |
WAYS TO GET INVOLVED AT FIRST REFORMEDHang-fold clothes for the Clothing MinistryHelp prepare/serve food at the Saturday Lunch ProgramVolunteer to help in the Community GardenBe a partner with Charles England elementary.Join in book study, even if it’s already started Drop in on Crucial Conversations on Faith and Race(2CFAR)Visit or write cards to those on our prayer listCome in person or Zoom to Sunday Bible StudyRead in worship Help with children and youth Help others by being a Usher or greeter in worship serviceStay in the balcony as a Sound TechPlay with the cameras and equipment as you help live streamSing in ChoirAttend the monthly Women’s Fellowship gathering |
If you have any questions about NAMI or would like to participate in any activity, reach out toCathy at 704-502-9095 or email NAMIDavidsoncounty1@gmail.comNAMI MeetingThe 1st and 3rd Monday of each monthThe 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month |
PFLAG…is a national support, education and advocacy organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and genderqueer or non-conforming (LGBTQ) people, their families, friends and allies. | Meetings on the third Thursday of each monthat FRUCC in the fellowship hall – 6:30pm |
Stay in the know with meetings and events through 2CFAR in Lexington.Visit the 2CFAR website |
Please Hold In Prayer |
WEEKLY CHURCH CALENDARSunday 9/189:30am Adult Sunday School10:30am Worship ServiceBig Board Sunday following Worship6:00pm Youth GroupMonday, 9/1196:00pm FRUCC Clothes MinistryTuesday, 9/2012:00pm Crucial Conversations on Faith and Race 2CFAR in Parlor7:00pm Adult Book Study (online)Rooted & Rising: Voices of Courage in a Time of Climate ChangeWednesday, 9/216:30pm Youth Studies & Children’s Game Night7:00pm Choir PracticeThursday, 9/224-6:00pm Clothing Ministry Workday-BasemenSaturday, 9/2412:00pm Saturday Lunch Ministry & ClothingSunday, 9/259:30am Adult Sunday School10:30am Worship Service2:00pm Charitable Giving Seminar – Fellowship Hall6:00pm Youth Group |