Monday, August 14
6:30pm… Open Hands Ministry {FH}
Tuesday, August15
10:00am… Weaving Women {Willing Workers Classroom}
10:00am… Collaborative Ministries {Parlor}
6:15pm… The Next 56 Days {Downstairs}
Thursday, August 17
5:30pm… YOGA Class {Parlor}
7:00pm… Squar-n-Aders, Square Dancers {FH}
Friday, August 18
1-4:00pm…Grow & Go Girls {Kitchen}
Sunday, August 20 Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
Guest Minister: Rev. Dr. Kenneth Clapp
9:30am… Children with Lynn Brown {Downstairs}
Youth with Jerry & Patti Lovell {Main Level}
9:30am… Willing Workers Class with Carolyn Spivey
9:30am… New Way Class with Dave Fulton
10:30am… Worship in the Sanctuary
Our “Back to School” campaign for Communities in Schools continues today.
Please help by bringing the specific items to the Communities in Schools box either in the Narthex or outside the office. Refer to the list below for specific items needed.
July 16 – pencils and notebook paper
August 6 – colored pencils & markers
July 23 – crayons and glue sticks
August 13 – backpacks
July 30 – composition books & erasers
Rally Day 2017 – August 27th
Calling All Families with Teens and Children Come join us for activities, crafts, games, snacks, and play on the new playground equipment!
Corn Hole
Sand Art
Living Water Craft
Balloon Animals
Face Painting
Lemonade & Pop Corn