This Sunday begins Holy Week with a Service of the Palms and the Passion, which contains two different movements. First, we will wave palms and celebrate Jesus on his final journey to Jerusalem. Last, we will be reminded of how the disciples betrayed him as he prepared for the end of his life. After worship, we will join with other Lexington churches at the YMCA for the Community Palm Sunday Service.
Maundy Thursday at 6:30 we will gather to remember Jesus’ last meal with his disciples and his commandment for us to love one other. We will then remember the events leading to Jesus’ execution.
This year, Easter Sunday falls on April 1st, which is April Fool’s Day. Let’s celebrate this rare pairing at our Easter breakfast. Bring your favorite joke to share at breakfast.
In the early church, a tradition began where clergy celebrated with jokes and humor that God played a practical joke on the devil by raising Jesus from the dead… “Risus paschalis – the Easter laugh,” the early theologians called it. UCC Pastor Emily Heath says, “In a way, the Resurrection might sound like the ultimate April Fool’s Day joke. The world thought Jesus was dead, and yet he sprang from the grave. You can almost hear him say, ‘Just kidding, y’all!’”
The Resurrection is not a trick, nor is it an April Fool’s Joke. It is the truth we proclaim, and it is the truth we need in a world where so much is not funny. The fact that Jesus could face every horrible thing this world could throw at him, could be literally dead, and could rise again is a sign that life will always win in the end. That is so stunningly inexplicable that it is laughable.”
In our life together dear church, we cry, we mourn… and then, often when we least expect it, we laugh…
My prayers are with you this week
Contact the church office (336-248-2617 or to add your name to the list. There will be a cost for the directory, but at this time that amount is undetermined. You will be under NO OBLIGATION to purchase your reserved copy, but we need a general idea of how many to order.
NEW PRAYER REQUEST CARDS are located on the backs of the pews for your convenience to request prayer for yourself or someone else. Place completed cards in the offering plate. These will be forwarded to Ben Hale of the Evangelism Committee, who will send a card, if requested; to let the individuals know they are in our prayers. You may still continue to contact Sylvia Walser at 336-225-2964 or the church office at 336-248-2617 or of any prayer requests.
Monday, March 26
5:00pm Tutoring
6:30pm Open Hands Ministry {FH}
Tuesday, March 27
10:00am Weaving Women {WW Classroom}
12-1:00pm Lenten Lunch & Learn {P}
5:00-7:00pm Community Meal at First Reformed UCC at 5:00pm. Menu includes:
Spiral ham, green beans, braised potatoes, cole slaw and rolls.
Contributions will go to Special Olympics of Davidson County.
5:00-8:00pm Additional collection time for Girl Scout DECLUTTER CHALLENGE
Wednesday, March 28
6:30pm Bell Choir {Bell Room}
7:15pm Choir {Ch. A}
Thursday, March 29
10:00am-1:00pm Walk the Labyrinth {FH}
5:00-6:00pm Walk the Labyrinth {FH}
5:30pm YOGA Class {P}
6:30pm Maundy Thursday Service {S}
10:00am-1:00pm Walk the Labyrinth {FH}
Saturday, March 31
10:00am-1:00pm Walk the Labyrinth {FH}
9:30am Light Easter Breakfast prepared by Jerry Lovell: Ham biscuits, sausage biscuits, fruit, pastries, juice & coffee Bring your favorite joke to share at breakfast.
10:00am Children’s Easter Egg Hunt
11:00am Worship in the Sanctuary
Monday, April 2 10:00am-2:00pm
Tuesday, April 3 3:00-6:00pm
Thursday, April 5 12-5:00pm
THE YARD SALE IS SCHEDULED FOR SATURDAY, APRIL 7 in the grassy area in front of
the playground. IN CASE OF RAIN it will be held in the Fellowship Hall.
Saturday, April 14
CONFIRMANDS TO VISIT CIVIL RIGHTS MUSEUM IN GREENSBORO on . If others, 9th grade or older, would like to accompany the group on this trip, please contact the church office. Someone will contact you with more information.
CHURCH MEMBERS: Jo Hudson, Ruth Essick, Carolyn Spivey, Peggy Bates, Ruth Fritts, Margot Everhart
HOMEBOUND MEMBERS: Valerie Price, Joyce Price, Rita Tussey, Adena Wall, Marzell Crotts, Hoyle Potts, Doris Flynt, James Everhart, Lib & Jimbo Hinkle
OUR FRIENDS: Kiana Sinz (friend of Patti Lovell), Rev. Jamie Armstrong (1st UMC) and his wife, Rev. Elizabeth Graves (Epworth UMC in Concord), Virginia Byars (friend of Alisa Johnson), Derrick Wong (friend of Joni Walser), Ashley Anderson (Lee Ann Peele’s cousin), Judy Stanley (family of Alane Holste), Greg Nifong (Lib Sink’s nephew), Danny Lloyd (Frank Callicutt’s father), Lynn Mack (friend of Mary Berrier), Dot Crotts (Frank Leonard’s aunt), Doris Brown (Mike & Lynn Brown’s sister-in-law), Ronald Yates, (Eddie Yates’ dad), Nell and Ken Holmes (neighbors of Jerry and Patti Lovell), Jeffery Saunders (Amy Hedrick’s son), Debra Craver (friend of Alisa Johnson)