Upcoming Events for 10-8-18 thru 10-14-18

Upcoming Events for 10-8-18 thru 10-14-18

Looking toward Sunday…

When I prepare for sermons, I try to follow the Revised Common Lectionary. That is a collection of scriptures that have been selected from different portions of the Bible to be read in a 3-year cycle. The lectionary has its origins in the early church, when disciples gathered to read together common scripture they felt were essential to the story of their faith. It is very common in mainline churches. Preaching in this manner often presents a challenge. To be frank, some of the passages selected, I don’t want to preach. Like many of you, I have favorite parts of scripture, and this week’s is not one of them. Jesus talks about divorce. I don’t like preaching about divorce. “It’s World Communion Sunday for heaven’s sake,” I said to God. “Why don’t I just skip over this part and find something easier?”

Well, you and I know the easy road is not the road of Jesus. God would not let me or this passage alone, but kept calling me to dig deeper, look beyond the surface. How is the Holy Spirit speaking to the congregation of First Reformed UCC through this passage? As I continued to study and pray, I realize there is much more in this passage than meets the eye. There is Good News that is especially pertinent for us on October 7, 2018. So this Sunday, we will tackle it together. And this exploration will lead us to the Table where we will receive the gifts of our Lord and Savior with Christians all over the world.

Heads up, the entire month of October we will be in one chapter of Mark’s gospel…Chapter 10. This might be a bumpy ride at times, but I know God is leading us where we need to go. Here is the link to this week’s scripture. Mark 10: 2-16

Grateful for each of you,

Sunday, September 30…………………… Nineteenth SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST
Youth – JAM & Children’s Sabbath Practice {Downstairs}
Adults — “UCC: Who We Are” Dave Fulton {FH}
First Sunday Social: Edgar & Kivi Miller
11:00AM Worship
World Wide Communion…Neighbors in Need Offering
Following Worship
Special Meeting for Congregational Vote
Following Congregational Meeting


Greeter: Michell Winters
Usher Captain: Ted Smith
Ushers: Susan Odom, Nicole Smith, Clifford Lopp, June Grubb
Youth Usher: Claire Smith
Plate Attendant: J. W. Bates
Sound Technician: Calvin Odom
Acolyte: Jacob Hartle
Bible Steward: Griff Smith
Nursery {infants-kindergarten}: Dave Fulton & Jeremy Peterson


Monday, October 8
11:00AN Staff Meeting
6:30PM Open Hands Meal (FH)
Tuesday, October 9
10:00AM Collaborative Ministries Meeting {Parlor}
12:00PM Collaborative Ministries Bible Study: Book of Psalms {P}
6:00PM Men’s Brotherhood {FH}
Wednesday, October 10
10:30AM GLAMA {Parlor}
6:30PM Bell Choir {Bell Room}
7:15PM Choir Practice {ChA}
Thursday, October 11
5:30PM YOGA Class {Parlor}
7:00PM Square Dancing {FH}
Saturday, October 13
10-Noon Sheets Dance Academy “Nutcracker Practice {FH}
Sunday, October 14 Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost
9:45AM Sunday School:
Youth — Children’s Sabbath Practice {Downstairs}
Adults — TBD

As we grow, we want to strengthen the arm of our Congregational Care Ministry. If you enjoy listening to other people and bringing a smile to their faces, then perhaps God is calling you to help. If you are willing to make a visit once every 4-6 weeks to someone in the congregation who is homebound or hospitalized, please let Rev. June Grubb know. (336– 240-2503) or email June at jgrubb3@triad.rr.com .

Al Staggs Performances Rescheduled!

The weekend of October 20-21 Rev. Al Staggs , a minister and performance artist, will share three presentations.

  1. Saturday evening, September 20th, Rev. Staggs will present Laughter for Life . This program focuses on the spiritual, emotional and physical benefits of humor and features his numerous comedic impersonations.
  2. Sunday morning, September 21th, at 9:45am in the education building, Rev. Staggs will perform “Clarence Jordan and the God Movement.”

  3. Worship Service at 11:00am in the sanctuary, Rev. Staggs will perform, “A View from the Underside: The Legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer” .

Volunteers Needed
First Reformed UCC is responsible for arranging 5-6 people to help serve lunch to the needy each Sunday in November at Grace Episcopal Church. Volunteers will need to arrive at approximately 12:15 p.m. in order to prepare for serving the meal at 12:45 p.m. Serving the meal and clean up usually lasts an hour or so. If you are willing to serve please email Mark Smith at msmith@gwsmithlbr.com


PRAYER CONCERNS: Remember those in the Armed Forces. To add a name to the prayer list please fill out a prayer request card located in the backs of the pews, contact Sylvia Walser (336-225-2964), email Ben Hale at benjaminhale08@comcast.net or call (704-772-6908) or call the church office (336-248-2617)

CHURCH MEMBERS: : Melody Evans, Ruth Fritts, Vogen Everhart, Deanna Michael, Lauren Thompson Gould, Peggy Bates, Margot Everhart
HOMEBOUND MEMBERS: : Lib & Jimbo Hinkle, Jo Hudson, Valerie Price, Rita Tussey, Adena Wall, Marzell Crotts, Hoyle Potts, Doris Flynt, James Everhart
Our Friends: Eugenia Holste (Alane Holste’s Mother), David Combs (Friend of Open Hands), Noriko Shaw and the Family of Heather & Joe Surrett (Friends of Mike & Lynn Brown), Clifford Beane (Neighbor of Lee & Ellen Bouchard), Brian Arensman (Keith Johnson’s friend and co-worker), John Hayden (Friend of Kivi Miller), Ed Leonard (Brother of Sylvia Walser), Dan Smith (Brother of Steve and Jerry Smith), Judy Stanley (Friend of Alane Holste), Lacy Belcher (Friend of Vicky Gray), Jonelle Parker (Friend of Frank Leonard); Family of Boyd Shirley (Friends of Patti & Jerry Lovell); Eddie Wray (Friend of Lisa Nelson), Lynn Younts (Friend of Susie Smith), Eliza Paris (Friend of Sylvia Walser’s granddaughter), Harold Peoples (Friend of Cheryl Walser), Ashley Hutcheson (Daughter-in-law of Heidi & Ron Hutcheson)

  1. Sunday, October 14
    Congregational Meeting
    Mark your calendar for Sunday, October 14th. Following worship a catered lunch will be served.
    The Finance Committee met and drafted a proposed budget for 2019. It was presented to and approved by Consistory at the September meeting. After lunch, Lindsay Sink will present the budget proposal for a congregational vote. All members are encouraged to be a part of this important process in the life of First Reformed UCC.
    To assist with meal planning, please sign up below.
    Name: __________________________________________
    Number of Adults ________ Number of Children ________

  2. Family Fun Night
    Women’s Life Fellowship is sponsoring a family night Tuesday, October 23rd at 6:00pm. There will be pumpkins to decorate ($5 each). Hot dogs will be grilled by Lindsay Sink, and Women’s Life will provide fixin’s, chips, drinks and dessert. There is no charge for the meal so this truly is an affordable fun time for church families to fellowship. Signup below and drop in the collection plate or email Cathy Waitman at cathy@frucc.org to reserve your pumpkin now!
    If you prefer not to decorate a pumpkin but would like to come enjoy a hot dog and fellowship, you are welcome!
    Name: ________________________ Number Attending ________
    Number of Pumpkins ____________ ($5.00 each)
    Number of Hotdogs _____________ (free)
  3. October 28th Donations Needed for Block Party

    • Bags of individually wrapped candy for trunk or treat

    • Canned pasta, meat, & mixed vegetables for Pastor’s Pantry
      Bring all donations to the Narthex or to the table outside the office
      any Sunday in October!

    • HOMECOMING 2018
      This year’s Homecoming will be celebrated on Sunday, November 4th . Guest baritone Leonard Rowe will join us during the 11:00 worship to share his talents. Mr. Rowe is a graduate of the North Carolina School of the Arts and also attended Elon College. He has performed with many symphonies and opera companies in the United States, including the New York City Opera, The Buffalo Philharmonic and Peter Nero and the Philly Pops, and worked with the great Fred Waring and his Pennsylvanians. He has also performed in Europe. Mr. Rowe now lives in Winston Salem. Following worship there will be a Congregational Meal in the Fellowship Hall. Everyone is invited to attend!

      Women’s Life Fellowship is beginning an effort to replace many of the Chrismons that are old and in disrepair. They would like to offer everyone the opportunity to contribute to the purchase of new Chrismons in honor of or in memory of someone special in your life. If you are interested, please complete the form below bring to the office by November 25th along with $20 each to help cover the cost of the new Chrismons. A list will be included in the bulletin the first Sunday in December similar to Poinsettias purchased in honor or memory of loved ones. The Chrismons will remain at the church to be used each Christmas.

      # of Chrismons _______ purchased by ______________________ Total Amount ______

      In Honor of ____________________________ ______________________________

      In Memory of __________________________ ______________________________


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