WEEKLY EMAIL from FIRST REFORMED UCC MARCH 11, 2022 ———————— PLEASE JOIN US ONLINE AT 10:30AM ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE https://www.facebook.com/firstreformeducc OR YOUTUBE PAGE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHfZFOjObXH_bR8E-UG_gTA LOOKING TOWARD SUNDAY: A MESSAGE FROM REV. HORTON Dear Beloved Community,Tonight, Friday March 11, I am taking our confirmands to Temple Emmanuel in Winston-Salem for the 7pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service. My hope is that we will better understand the Jewish tradition in which Jesus was raised, which in turn will help us better understand our Jewish neighbors. As we see conflicts escalate both locally and globally, we must persevere in remaining curious and seeking to find our common ground with one another. If you’d like to join us let me know. The temple service is also available online. See below.CLICK HERE TO READ about Kabbalat Shabbat CLICK HERE TO WATCH Temple Emmanuel’s SHABBAT Service via LIVESTREAM Happy Anniversary to Christopher Kiser! March 15 marks one year that we have had a blessing of Christopher Kiser as our organist and pianist! Indeed, we are so very fortunate as a congregation. We hope this is the first of many anniversaries with you Chris!The Celebration of Life for Lib Sink will be held Sunday, March 20 at 2pm in the First Reformed UCC Sanctuary. It will be a service of praise to God and thanksgiving for the 94 years beloved Lib spent on this earth. Friends will be received after the service. CLICK HERE for the Obituary for Elizabeth “Lib” SinkI am excited to share this article from the dispatch about the upcoming support group For families of those who have mental illness. If you love someone who has a mental illness, you are not alone. LEXINGTON COUPLE, CHURCH WILL SPEARHEAD START OF A MENTAL HEALTH FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP Jill Doss-RainesThe DispatchCathy and Joe Browder know what it’s like to walk alone on the path of trying to help a loved one with mental illness.Although they knew others were on the same dark path, they could not see anyone else because the stigma of mental illness often keeps people from talking about it with others, further isolating them and surrounding family members in hopelessness and even shame.They don’t want anyone to feel the same hopelessness and confusion with little information and support as they experienced in the early years of their journey. The Browders, along with their church, First Reformed United Church of Christ in Lexington, will begin a National Alliance on Mental Health Family Support Group in April. You do not need to go to the church, or even be religious to attend.The group will start meeting via Zoom on the first and third Mondays of each month, beginning in April.The idea to begin a NAMI Family Support Group began after the church read the book, “Blessed are the Crazy: Breaking the Silence About Mental Health, Family & Church” by Sarah Lund. The book’s author is the daughter of a minister who struggled with bipolar disorder. Later her brother and a cousin developed mental illness. “She talks in the book about how the church did not know how to deal with mental illness,” said the Rev. Elizabeth Horton.After reading the book, the Browders, who moved back to Lexington in 2019 from Charlotte, began searching for mental health resources and family support groups in Davidson County. They found no support groups.”When we were living in Charlotte, we were part of a NAMI family to the family group,” Browder said. “We went about five years with no one to talk to before NAMI. When we started attending NAMI meetings, we found out we were not alone… I approached Elizabeth (Rev. Horton) to see if the church was interested in starting a NAMI support group.”The Lexington NAMI Family Support Group is part of Northwest Piedmont NAMI, which is based in Winston-Salem.”There are just no support groups here for families,” said Browder, who has taken the steps to become a trained NAMI support group facilitator. “You can take your child to a psychologist, but there is nothing for families.” Her husband also plans to become a trained facilitator. To join the local NAMI support group, email Browder at namidavidsoncounty1@gmail.com. After a brief vetting process to ensure the privacy of members and the intent of those who want to join, you will be given a code and time to join the Zoom meeting. When issues with the spread of COVID-19 subside, the group will begin meeting in person.”This is a safe place for families to come together and talk openly,” she said. “We do not want any ‘looky-lous.’ Yoy have to be the family member or loved one of someone with mental illness to attend.”Through sharing of stories and experiences, Browder said each member can learn from one another and know “you are not alone.”– Jill Doss-Raines is The Dispatch trending topics and personality profiles senior reporter and is always looking for tips about businesses and entertainment events, secret and new menu items, and interesting people in Davidson County. Contact me at jill.doss-raines@the-dispatch.com and subscribe to us at the-dispatch.com.Together with you, Elizabeth SERMON TITLE: HERE YOU ARE: THE HEN HOUSE OR THE FOX’S DEN SCRIPTURE: LUKE 13: 31-35 PLEASE PRAY FOR… We mourn the loss of Elizabeth Sink, long-time member of our church, who passed away early Thursday morning. We offer sympathy to the family during their time of loss. Bonita Hooper, Cheryl Walser, *Jeff Hutchens, Lee Bouchard (upcoming surgery), Joyce Phillips, Tony Peele, Tammy Rhodes, Myrtle Latimer, Kathleen Danze, Alisa Johnson MEMBERS AT HOME AND IN CARE FACILITIES: Peggy Bates, Sherry Bonner, Ellen Bouchard, Ruth Essick, Pattie Everhart, Vogen Everhart, Gerri Hill, Lib & Jimbo Hinkle, Marguerite Leonard, Deanna Michael, John Potts & Janette Neal, Carolyn Spivey, Adena Wall OUR FRIENDS: Wendi Greene (Bill Robbins’ sister), Cindy Tatum (friend of Jerry & Patti Lovell), Beth Wrenn (friend of Patti Lovell), Marc Frye (friend of the congregation) BIBLE STUDY THROUGH MARCH 27, 2022 Our new Sunday morning Bible study has as its guiding image Jesus’ own words. In Luke 13:34 Jesus tells us how he wants “to gather us up, like a mother hen gathers her brood.” The Season of Lent is a time to learn in our self-examination that we are what might be most in need of transformation. We might find that what we might need to grow in faith and discipleship is the church, and that the transformation of the world begins with building bridges and gathering up rather than condemnation. So, during this Lenten season, we will seek to be “GATHERED UP IN JESUS.” Sunday morning bible study continues via ZOOM at 9:15AM. YOU MAY JOIN THE MEETING HERE: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89026528333pwd=QzRrR0hocHJMN1hQazZXUGN5dWJnUT09 Meeting ID: 890 2652 8333 Passcode: Bible March 13th Second Sunday in Lent Under the Wings Facilitator: Eddie Yates Luke 13:31-35 Mother Hen Gathers Her Brood March 20th, Third Sunday in Lent If It Bears Fruit Facilitator: June Grubb Luke 13:1-9 Three different stories that encourage us to live our lives with purpose and urgency March 27th Fourth Sunday in Lent Lost and Found Facilitator: Eugenia Holste Luke 15:1-3;11b-32 The parable of prodigal son Lent 2022: WHEREVER YOU GO, HERE YOU AREPLEASE JOIN US WEDNESDAYS THROUGH LENT 6:00PM Supper in the Fellowship Hall (please bring your own meal) 6:30-7:30PM Mid-week Lenten Bible Study (Parlor)GIVE THE GIFT OF LIFE The next Red Cross Blood Drive at our church is scheduled on Wednesday, March 16, 2:30 – 7:00. Please consider giving blood. You can schedule an appointment online at the Red Cross website or call Alice Gray at 336-238-3791.Site: First Reformed United Church of Christ Address: 104 East Center Street, Lexington, NC, 27292 Room Name: Fellowship Hall Date: Wed Mar 16, 2022 Time: 2:30 PM – 7:00 PM Blood Program Leader Name: Alice Gray SWIRL MINISTRIES SKIT: BECOMING A QUEEN AFTER THE HEART OF A KING Women, you are invited! Esther had to learn the ways of the kingdom to which she belonged. She had to learn the manners of court life, the intellectual, emotional and spiritual challenges of high position. To put it simply…Esther had to be transformed from a young lady into a queen before she could wear the title and fulfill the roll. In the same way, the Christian woman must learn the ways of the kingdom of Heaven. March 17th at 12:00PM Church Fellowship Hall ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING One Great Hour of Sharing is one of four special mission offerings of the United Church of Christ. This Lenten Offering supports the disaster, refugee, and development ministries of the United Church of Christ within Wider Church Ministries. This year’s offering will be collected on Sunday, March 27, 2022. Contributions may be made in the offering plate on Sunday morning, directly to the church office or through online giving HERE or the OGHS website at http://www.ucc.org/oghs. NAMI FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP STARTING Beginning in April, we will have National Alliance on Mental Illness resources here in Lexington! The Family Support Group begins in April on the 1st and 3rd Mondays via Zoom. Cathy Browder will co-facilitate. She and her husband Joe have been instrumental in getting this ministry up and running. If you live with someone who has symptoms of mental illness, know you are not alone. Support and resources are available. Please feel free to speak with Cathy or Rev. Horton if you have questions. All are welcome. Click here to learn about NAMI Family Support Group VERNON GASTON (V.G.) PRICE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS! Applications are due to the church office by March 31. You can find a copy of the application HERE or contact the church office. JOHNS RIVER VALLEY CAMP…OPPORTUNITIES FOR SUMMER 2022 Please use THIS LINK for a copy of the flyer for 2022 Johns River Valley Camps for the summer. With THIS LINK you will find more information about the camps and can register online. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH MINISTRIES FOR 2022 YOUTH MINISTRIES SUNDAYS at 6:00PM: Youth Group (Fellowship Hall) Sign up to Volunteer for Sunday night Youth meeting HERE WEDNESDAYS at 6:30PM: Youth Study (Youth Room) Sign up to Volunteer for Wednesday night Youth Study HERE CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES SUNDAYS at 10:30AM Children’s Church (Theater Room) Sign up to Volunteer for Children’s Church HERE WEDNESDAYS at 6:00PM: Children’s Fun & Activities (Fellowship Hall) Sign up to Volunteer for Wednesday Children’s Fun & Activities HERE USHERS ARE NEEDED EACH SUNDAY…PLEASE SIGN UP TO SERVE Please consider serving as an usher on Sunday mornings. Open slots are available on most Sundays. You may use this Sign-Up Genius link to pick a Sunday to volunteer or call the church office. Feel free to sign up for more than one Sunday of service!THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE LITURGIST: Carolyn Robbins CHILDREN’S CHURCH: Cathy Browder DIGITAL MEDIA TECH: Jeremy Peterson SOUND TECH: Dave Fulton ACOLYTE: Parker Horton BIBLE STEWARD: Patrick Horton USHERS: Vicky Gray, John Smith, Ted Smith CELEBRATIONS MARCH BIRTHDAYS: MARCH ANNIVERSARIES: 16th…Alane Holste 17th…Keith & Alisa Johnson …Ron Sink 17th…Dan Horton STAFF EMPLOYMENT ANNIVERSARY: 15th…Christopher Kiser…1 YEAR WEEKLY CALENDAR OF CHURCH ACTIVITIES Sunday, March 13: Second Sunday of Lent 9:15AM Adult Bible Study via Zoom: “Under the Wings” Luke 13:31-35 (Facilitator: Eddie Yates) Mother Hen Gathers Her Brood https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89026528333?pwd=QzRrR0hocHJMN1hQazZXUGN5dWJnUT09 Meeting ID: 890 2652 8333 Passcode: Bible 10:30AM Worship Service (in person and via YouTube) 10:45AM Children’s Worship: Rev. Sieges & Cathy Browder (Theater Room) Following Worship: Intercessory Prayer Circle 6:00PM Youth Meeting: Rev. Sieges & Cathy Browder (Youth Room) 11:45AM Consistory Meeting (Fellowship Hall) Tuesday, March 15 12:00PM 2CFAR (via Zoom) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87341918684?pwd=RmlVeWIvTlNXSnRnUktwdWg3cklYdz09 Meeting ID: 873 4191 8684 Passcode: Faith 7:00PM Book Study “The Book of Joy” (via Zoom) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84691635471?pwd=WnJHblBaK1pZamRRc29GMjFKU3ZQZz09 Meeting ID: 846 9163 5471 Passcode: Faith Wednesday, March 16 6:00PM Supper in the Fellowship Hall (Please bring Your Own Meal) 6:30-7:30PM Mid-Week Lenten Bible Study (Parlor) 6:30PM Choir Children’s Fun & Activities (Marge Doty & Volunteer Needed) Youth Study (Rev. Sieges & Rev. June Grubb) Thursday, March 17: 4-6:00PM Clothing Ministry Workday Saturday, March 19 12:30PM Lunch Ministry (Kitchen) Sunday, March 20: Third Sunday of Lent 9:15AM Adult Bible Study via Zoom: “It Bears Fruit” Luke 13:1-9 (Facilitator: June Grubb) Three different stories that encourage us to live with purpose and urgency https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89026528333?pwd=QzRrR0hocHJMN1hQazZXUGN5dWJnUT09 Meeting ID: 890 2652 8333 Passcode: Bible 10:30AM Worship Service (in person and via YouTube) 10:45AM Children’s Worship: Rev. Sieges & Cathy Browder (Theater Room) Following Worship: Prayer Circle 6:00PM Youth Meeting: Rev. Sieges & Cathy Browder (Youth Room) Ministers: The Congregation of First Reformed United Church of Christ, 104 East Center Street, Lexington, NC 27292 Phone: 336-248-2617 www.frucc.org Pastor: Rev. Elizabeth Horton (elizabeth@frucc.org, cell/text #336-972-8895) Minister of Pastoral Care: Rev. June Grubb (jgrubb3@triad.rr.com #336-248-5668) Director of Children and Youth Ministries: Rev. Evan Sieges (evan@frucc.org) Choir Director: Ellen Peterson (ellenrpeterson@gmail.com) Organist/Pianist: Christopher Kiser (cdkiser94@gmail.com) Administrative Asst.: Carolyn Robbins (carolyn@frucc.org) Financial Administrator: Paula Lopp (paula@frucc.org) |
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