Thank you for serving our Church Sunday
LITURGIST: Elliott Smith
Greeters: Tammy Rhodes & Jeff Hutchens
Usher Captain: Mark Smith
Ushers: Denise Durham, Ben Hale, Kivi Miller, Susan Miller, Jeremy Peterson
Youth Usher: Ava Miller
Plate Attendant: Doris Sink
Sound Technician: James Gray
Acolyte: Emory Smith
Bible Steward: Elliott Smith
Nursery {infants-kindergarten}: Alice Gray & Vicky Gray
Monday, January 7
- 5:00PM Bd. of Spiritual Growth & Renewal {Parlor}
- 6:30PM Open Hands Ministry Meal {FH}
Tuesday, January 8
- 10:00AM Willing Weavers {RM 3}
- 6:30PM Men’s Brotherhood & Women’s Life Fellowship Dinner {FH}
Wednesday, January 9
- 5:00PM Trustee Meeting {Parlor}
- 6:30PM Bell Choir {Bell Room}
- 7:15PM Choir Practice {Chapel Annex}
Thursday, January 10
- 5:30PM Yoga {Parlor}
- 7:00PM Square Dancing {Fellowship Hall}
Sunday, January 13
- 9:45AM – Sunday School
- Youth (Younger Children) {Downstairs} Led by Lena Johnson
- Older Children {Downstairs} Studying Joshua with Cathy Waitman
- Teens {Downstairs} Led by Rev. Horton
- Adults Family & Faith Discussion Group Led by Jeremy Lovell {RM 103}
- New Way Class Studying Romans with Dave Fulton {Parlor}
Remember those in the Armed Forces. To add a name to the prayer list please fill out a prayer request card located in the backs of the pews, email Ben Hale at or call at 704-772-6908 , or call the church office (336-248-2617).
CHURCH MEMBERS: : Mary Berrier, Denise Durham, Tammy Rhodes, Bill Walser, Janelle Bunn, Vogen Everhart, Peggy Bates, Margot Everhart
HOMEBOUND MEMBERS: Lib & Jimbo Hinkle, Marzell Crotts, Jo Hudson, Valerie Price, Ruth Fritts, Rita Tussey, Hoyle Potts, Doris Flynt, James Everhart
OUR FRIENDS: The family of Ron Koprowski (friends of Frankie and Buddy Hedrick), Linda Burgess (friend of Susan Odom), Susan Wilkerson (Carolyn Robbins’ cousin), Cheri Yates (Eddie Yates’ step-mother), Eric Cole (son of visitor, Jill Cole, in training for Border Patrol in New Mexico), Charm Ketner, Harold Holste (Alane Holste’s father), Boyd & Bonnie Perry (Friends of Frankie Hedrick), Kathe Everhart (Frankie Hedrick’s sister-in-law), Jeanette Ingle (Friend of Bill & Cheryl Walser), Chris Greene (Michell Winter’s step-brother), Virginia Hill (Cathy Waitman’s mother), Laura Williams (Carolyn Robbins’ mother), David Combs (Friend of Open Hands), Noriko Shaw and the Family of Heather & Joe Surrett (Friends of Mike & Lynn Brown), Brian Arensman (Keith Johnson’s friend and co-worker), John Haydon (Friend of Kivi Miller), Eddie Wray (Friend of Lisa Nelson), Lynn Younts (Friend of Susie Smith)
- January 8, 2019 — WILLING WEAVERS TO BEGIN AGAIN! (Formerly known as Weaving Women) Gennie Lou Byerly and Glenyce Fulton are beginning a new group of weavers on January 8, 2019. They make mats using plastic grocery bags to donate to the homeless shelter. This group is open to EVERYONE!Regular meetings will be held on Tuesday mornings at 10:00AM in the classroom beside the nursery in the Education Building. If you are unable to help weave at the church, there are things that can be done at home to prepare bags to be woven into mats.Contact Gennie Lou (336-475-7785) or Glenyce (336-250-8739) if you are interested in being a part of the Willing Weavers ministry. Also, start saving those plastic bags to be used in making the new mats!

Teens will discover how God is at work in their lives, what Jesus means to them, and how the Holy Spirit is leading their lives. Pastor Elizabeth will be their teacher in the “green room” in the basement
Teens will discover how God is at work in their lives, what Jesus means to them, and how the Holy Spirit is leading their lives. Pastor Elizabeth will be their teacher in the “green room” in the basement