WEEKLY EMAIL FROM FIRST REFORMED UCC JANUARY 21, 2022LOOKING TOWARD SUNDAY: A MESSAGE FROM REV. HORTONDear Beloved Community,Thank you for your flexibility over the last 2 weeks as we maneuvered through the wintry weather. I want to say a special thank you to Ellen Peterson for changing plans last minute in order to craft and edit the pre-recorded Anniversary Worship service. This congregation is immensely blessed by Ellen’s dedicated efforts and technological talents (which are not included in the Choir Director’s job Description). Ellen graciously accommodates the ever-changing needs of this congregation in worship. Please express a word of gratitude to her!At the time I am writing this, it looks like we most likely will face another snow weekend. Our Inclement weather announcements will come via email, Facebook post, Fox8 (WGHP) and News2 (WFMY). If you know of another way we need to get the word out, please let me know. Looking Toward Sunday Regardless of where we are worshipping Sunday, we are going to talk about Love! It’s the passage from 1 Corinthians 13 that we often hear at weddings, embroidered on pictures or printed on plaques. What is love? We will try to tackle this question in our sermon together. Making a difference locally! I also want to especially thank Patti and Jerry Lovell for taking our donation to Charles England Elementary, which is our neighborhood school. They took the surplus of donated Winter gloves, hats, scarves, socks, as well as food items. The staff was quite excited to be able to give away to students on these cold days. ![]() ![]() ![]() Thank you for the many ways you each make a difference in the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ. Together with you in faith, hope, and love. Elizabeth CRUCIAL CONVERSATIONS ON FAITH AND RACE (2CFAR)Currently, CFAR, is a virtual community designed for intentional and honest conversations to help foster racial justice and reconciliation in our community. We meet Tuesdays at noon via Zoom. We may have a local person share their own experiences with race and faith, or we may have open discussion amongst ourselves.. The group’s beginning came through First Reformed’s Board of Evangelism, under the leadership of Dave Fulton. In 2017, a small group from 2 black and 2 white churches (First Reformed, Second Reformed, St. Stephen UMC and Shadyside Presbyterian) sought out ways to do ministry together in what was then the East Lexington Collaborative Ministries. It has been amazing to see how the Spirit has moved beyond the confines of 4 churches, involving folks from many cross sections of this community. All are welcome. Here is the Zoom Link to join 2CFAR Meeting ID: 873 4191 8684 Passcode: Faith ——————————— NAMI In just a few weeks, families living with mental illness will have access to support right here in Lexington! Family support groups will begin in April on the first and 3rd Mondays via Zoom. Because of our newly formed partnership with NWNAMI Cathy Browder will be a trained co-facilitator. She and her husband Joe have been instrumental in getting this ministry of much needed support up and running. Please ask Cathy if you have questions or want more info about the group. All are welcome. Families do not have to live through mental illness alone. Click here to learn about NAMI Family Support GroupJANUARY 30, 2022 SERMON TITLE: LOVE IS: THE SMALL STUFF SCRIPTURE: 1 CORINTHIANS 13: 1-13BIBLE STUDY JANUARY 30, 2022 9:15AM The Greatest of These” Facilitator Smithie Parrish I Corinthians 13:1-13 Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89026528333?pwd=QzRrR0hocHJMN1hQazZXUGN5dWJnUT09 Meeting ID: 890 2652 8333 Passcode: Bible FEBRUARY WORSHIP SCRIPTURES: Love Is: The Body of Christ February 6: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 February 13: 1 Corinthians 15:12-20 February 20: 1 Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-50 February 27: 2 Corinthians 3:12-4BIBLE STUDY THROUGH FEBUARY 27, 2022 “Love Never Ends: Being the Body of Christ” continues a Bible study based on Paul’s letter to the Corinthians. We will continue to meet via ZOOM at 9:15AM. Themes and facilitators are listed below. Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89026528333?pwd=QzRrR0hocHJMN1hQazZXUGN5dWJnUT09 Meeting ID: 890 2652 8333 Passcode: BibleSunday, February 6th “Hold Firmly” I Corinthians 15:1-11 (Facilitator: June Grubb) Sunday, February 13th “The First Fruits” I Corinthians 15:12-20 (Facilitator: Smithie Parrish) Sunday, February 20th “Raised In Glory” I Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-50 (Facilitator: Eddie Yates) Sunday, February 27th “Seeing the Glory” 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2 (Facilitator: June Grubb) GIRL SCOUT COOKIES Girl Scouts 2160 will be selling Girl Scout cookies the whole month of February. This year’s cookies are: Caramel deLites (aka Samoas) Adventurefuls (new this year — brownie with caramel) Toast-Yay! (cinnamon toast) Lemonades Thin Mints Peanut Butter Patties (covered in chocolate) Peanut Butter Sandwiches Shortbread Thin Mints Caramel Chocolate Chip (Gluten-Free)They are $5 per box. Please contact Kivi or Jianna Miller to place an order. You can call or text Kivi at 336-870-0251 or email Jianna at jiannamiller@gmail.com The troop will also be leading worship on Girl Scout Sunday, February 27, and that will be your last day to buy cookies at church. Thank you for supporting our Girl Scouts! CONGREGATIONAL MEETING PLANNED FOR SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Following worship on February 13, our congregation will meet with our 2022 Consistory to hear about the ministries fulfilled in 2021. We will also focus on current ministries and how we can connect in 2022. Mark your calendars now. VERNON GASTON (V.G.) PRICE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Vernon Price was a man with accomplishments in many fields of endeavor, yet the things most dear to him were very simple – his family, his faith, his students and his town. For this reason, his family requested that a scholarship be established in his name and that the recipients of the award encompass the ideals held most dear by V.G. Applications are due to the church office by March 31. You can find a copy of the application in the February 2022 Newsletter.VOLUNTEERS NEEDED SIGN UP TO HELP WITH CHILDREN AND YOUTH MINISTRIES FOR 2022 YOUTH MINISTRIES SUNDAYS at 6:00PM: Youth Group (Fellowship Hall) WEDNESDAYS at 6:30PM: Youth Study (Youth Room) SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER FOR WEDNESDAY NIGHT YOUTH STUDY HERE CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES SUNDAYS at 10:30AM Children’s Church (Theater Room) SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER FOR CHILDREN’S CHURCH HERE WEDNESDAYS at 6:30PM: Children’s Fun & Activities (Fellowship Hall) SIGN UP TO VLUNTEER FOR WEDNESDAY CHILDREN’S FUN & ACITIVITIES HERE USHERS ARE NEEDED EACH SUNDAY…PLEASE SIGN UP TO SERVE Please sign up to serve as an usher on Sunday mornings. Open slots are available on most Sundays. You may use the Sign-Up Genius link below to pick a Sunday to volunteer.Feel free to sign up for more than one Sunday of service! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050f44abae28a7fe3-usher THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE LITURGIST: Jeremy Lovell DIGITAL MEDIA TECH: Jeremy Peterson SOUND TECH: James Gray ACOLYTE: Emma Hartle BIBLE STEWARD: Jacob Hartle USHERS: John Gray, Doris Sink, Mark Smith CHILDREN’S CHURCH: Smithie Parrish PLEASE PRAY FOR… *Alane Holste, Myrtle Latimer (recovering at home), Kathleen Danze (recovering at home), Cheryl Walser (recovering at home), Susie Smith & Family, Alisa Johnson MEMBERS AT HOME AND IN CARE FACILITIES: Peggy Bates, Sherry Bonner, Lee & Ellen Bouchard, Ruth Essick, Pattie Everhart, Vogen Everhart, Lib & Jimbo Hinkle, Jeff Hutchens, Marguerite Leonard, Deanna Michael, John Potts & Janette Neal, Lib Sink, Carolyn Spivey, Adena Wall OUR FRIENDS: Steve Ketner (Charm Ketner’s husband), Kiana Sinz (friend of Patti Lovell), Earl Parker (Rev. Horton’s father), Jimmy Grubb (Rev. Grubb’s brother), Roger and Debbie Byerly (friends Alane Holste and Robin Champion), Family of Tommy Nelson (friend of Robin Champion), Jody Jacobs (cousin to Robin Champion), Cynthia Adams (friend to Robin Champion), John Ray Ward (Patti Lovell’s brother-in-law), The Family of Ken Holmes (neighbors of Jerry & Patti Lovell, Marc Frye (son of the late Doris Frye, Ashley Thomason (Ron & Heidi Hutcheson’s daughter-in-law) CELEBRATIONS: JANUARY BIRTHDAYS: 30th…Lauren Gregg FEBUARY BIRTHDAYS: FEBRUARY ANNIVERSARIES: 1st…Bonita Hooper 1st…Ted & Nina Smith …Cameron Sink WEEKLY CALENDAR OF CHURCH ACTIVITIES Sunday, January 30: 9:15AM Adult Bible Study via Zoom: “The Greatest of These” I Corinthians 13:1-13 Facilitator: Smithie Parrish Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89026528333?pwd=QzRrR0hocHJMN1hQazZXUGN5dWJnUT09 Meeting ID: 890 2652 8333 Passcode: Bible 10:30AM Worship Service (in person and via YouTube) 10:45AM Children’s Worship: Rev. Sieges & Cathy Browder (Theater Room) Following Worship Prayer Circle 6:00PM Youth Group (Youth Room) Tuesday, February 1: 12:00PM 2CFAR (via Zoom) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87341918684?pwd=RmlVeWIvTlNXSnRnUktwdWg3cklYdz09 Meeting ID: 873 4191 8684 Passcode: Faith 7:00PM Book Study “The Book of Joy” (via Zoom) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84691635471?pwd=WnJHblBaK1pZamRRc29GMjFKU3ZQZz09 Meeting ID: 846 9163 5471 Passcode: Faith Wednesday, February 2: 6:30PM Choir Practice Children’s Fun and Games: Alice Gray & Vicky Gray (Fellowship Hall) Youth Study: Rev. Evan & Frankie Hedrick (Youth Room) Thursday, February 3: 4-6:00PM Clothing Ministry Workday Saturday, February 5: 12:30PM Saturday Lunch Ministry (Kitchen) Sunday, February 6: 9:30AM Adult Bible Study via Zoom: “Hold Firmly” I Corinthians 15:1-11 (Facilitator: June Grubb) 10:30AM Worship Service (in person and via YouTube) 10:45AM Children’s Worship: Rev. Sieges & Alane Holste (Theater Room) Following Worship Prayer Circle 11:45AM Consistory Meeting (Fellowship Hall & via Zoom) Ministers: The Congregation of First Reformed United Church of Christ, 104 East Center Street, Lexington, NC 27292 Phone: 336-248-2617 www.frucc.org Pastor: Rev. Elizabeth Horton (elizabeth@frucc.org, cell/text #336-972-8895) Minister of Pastoral Care: Rev. June Grubb (jgrubb3@triad.rr.com #336-248-5668) Director of Children and Youth Ministries: Rev. Evan Sieges (evan@frucc.org) Choir Director: Ellen Peterson (ellenrpeterson@gmail.com) Organist/Pianist: Christopher Kiser (cdkiser94@gmail.com) Administrative Asst.: Carolyn Robbins (carolyn@frucc.org) Financial Administrator: Paula Lopp (paula@frucc.org) |
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