Please Join Us For Sunday Worship on YOUTUBE’s Sermon: The Problem With PentecostRev. Elizabeth HortonScripture Reading: Acts 2: 1-21 |
Looking toward SundayA Message From Rev. Horton“…On the Day of Pentecost, suddenly there came a sound as of a rushing mighty wind. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them gathered.” from Acts 2Dear Beloved Community, 1. Please wear red or orange to church this Pentecost Sunday! We celebrate, the Rush of a Mighty Wind, Tongues of Fire, the mysterious and wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit let loose in the world! The disciples remembered God’s word spoken through the prophets… “I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. “ When young folks speak prophetically and cast a new vision, chaos ensues.When senior citizens and the elderly decide to dream rather than settle into a rocking chair, chaos ensues. And…where we find chaos, we also find the Creative Power of the Living God. There is no separate Children’s Church this Sunday. We have special activities for children and all ages in this family friendly service. Find out the Problem with Pentecost as we worship and share communion together. Be prepared to expect the unexpected! 2. After worship join us briefly to Dedicate the Refurbished Parlor. We shout a grateful thanks to the Parlor Committee, Chair Mike Price, Rita Lohr, Lena Johnson, Bonita Hooper, Eddie Yates Lisa Nelson, Mark Smith, John Maze, and John Smith. Over the past year, this group has worked diligently to revitalize the Parlor in the Educational Building, which is a central space for many gatherings and ministries. The Parlor was part of the original 1962 building, refurbished in 1990, and now refurbished again in 2022. We will raise a glass, and Dedicate the Parlor for God’s glory and purposes for the next 30 years! Thanks!Elizabeth |
THANK YOU FOR SERVING THIS SUNDAYLiturgist: Myra Doty Sound Tech: Dave FultonAcolyte: Emma Hartle Bible Steward: Ushers: Lisa Nelson, John Smith, Alisa Johnson, Jerry LovellDigital Media Tech: Jeremy Peterson | JUNE NEWSLETTERDon’t miss out on what’s happening at First Reformed UCCClick above forJune 2022 Newsletter |
Meet at 1PM at St. Stephenfor sign making.Begin Walking UptownReturn to First Reformed UCC( for reception)Click the links below to watch Jia Miller’s interview and read Rev. Evans letter! |
First Reformed Church Picnic atWildcat Mtn. FarmGather at 10:30am, Service at 11am, lunch following** Ken Davis providing music Come enjoy great music, worship, good food and fellowship at Wildcat Mtn. Farm for the FRUCC annual church picnic. Please bring lawn chairs for your family and extra’s for those that may not have them. Also, we need donations of canned drinks in coolers with ice. If you would like to volunteer to help set up or serve food contact;Susie Smith: 336-596-6889or skepley8@yahoo.comIf you would like to carpool, please call the church office: 336-248-2617 |
FRUCC Clothes MinistryOpen the 1st & 4th Mondays at 6PM in conjunction withOpen Hands Ministry(St. Steven UMC)John Smith showcasing impatient given onMother’s Day! |
NAMI OF DAVIDSON COUNTYDo you have a loved one with mental illness? You are not alone. Family support groups will be available here in Davidson County for family of those living with mental illness. The support group will be led by Cathy and Joe Browder who are trained NAMI facilitators., The Family Support Group meets regularly on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at 7pm via Zoom. To ask questions and get Zoom information, please email Cathy at NAMIDavidsonCounty1@gmail.comMay 31, 2022 NAMI NW Piedmont, NC 2022Annual Meeting Guest Speaker, Chris Aiken, MD NAMI NW Piedmont, NC. Julie Whittaker, Our local affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness announces the NAMI NW Piedmont, NC’s Annual Meeting June 21, 2022 at 7PM featuring guest speaker Dr. Chris Aiken.We now recognize that mental and physical health are actually not separate states of being. In other words, “what is good for the body is good for the brain.” Research shows that what we eat can affect our brain’s wellbeing, just as it has effects on our other internal organs.Join Chris Aiken, MD, Psychiatrist and Director of the Mood Treatment Center to learn more about how our diet can help our brains. Dr. Aiken serves as a Clinical Instructor at the Wake Forest School of Medicine, and has authored several self-help books, as well as periodical medical publications. Readers may learn more about Dr. Aiken at free event is being hosted by NAMI NW Piedmont, NC at our annual meeting on Tuesday, June 21 at 7 pm, via Zoom, so the event is limited to 100 attendees.Registration required using this link:Link to Register Or go to our website to access the link via a post or the calendar- www.naminwpiedmontnc.orgGeneral Meeting Agenda• 2021-22 Annual Report• Elect Board of Directors• Guest Speaker- Dr. Chris AikenTuesday, June 21 at 7pm. Via ZOOM |
MEALS ON WHEELS DRIVERS NEEDEDDrivers are needed to deliver meals. Please contact Alisa Johnson if you can help. (336-357-0648) |
Please Hold in Prayer…. |
Kyla & Evan Sieges, Lynn McCarn, Joe Browder IN CARE FACILITIES: Vogen Everheart, Sherry Bonner, Margarite Leonard, Patti EverhartAT HOME: J.W. Bates, Peggy Bates, Lee & Ellen Bouchard, Ruth Essick, Gerri Hill, Lib & Jimbo Hinkle, Jeff Hutchens, Myrtle Latimer, Deanna Michael, Carolyn Spivey, Bonita HooperOUR FRIENDS: Franklin Waters (Cathy Whitley’s father),Yvonne Dobey (Frankie Hedrick’s sister), Sarah Lovell Biggers (Jerry & Patti Lovell’s daughter), Janice Mullineaux (Cathy Browder’s mother), Marc Frye (friend of the congregation), Scott Mooney (cousin of Lee Ann Peele), Noland Leonard (brother of Sylvia Walser). |
This Weeks Church Calendar |
Sunday 6/5 Pentecost-Communion Sunday9:30am Adult Sunday School 10:30am Worship ServiceParlor Dedication FollowingConsistory Meeting6:00pm Youth GroupMonday, 6/66:00pmClothing Ministry open duringOpen Hands Ministry (St. Stephen)7:00pmNAMI Family Support Group (online)Tuesday, 6/712:00pmCrucial Conversations on Faith and Race 2CFAR (Parlor & online)7:00pmAdult Book Study (online)His Truth is Marching On by Jon Meacham | Wednesday, 6/810:00amChurch Promotion Committee (parlor)Thursday, 6/9 4-6:00pmClothing Ministry Workday-Basement6:30pmPFLAG (parlor)Saturday, 6/1112:00pmSaturday Lunch MinistrySunday, 6/12FRUCC Church Picnic at Wildcat Mtn. Farm 10:30amGather11:00amWorship ServiceLunch following6:00pmYouth Group |
Discover 2022 Catawba College Youth Theological InstituteRegister NOW at School Session: July 17-22 High School Session: July 10-15 website or email us at |
JOHNS RIVER VALLEYFOR STUDENTS GRADES 4-12Johns River Valley Camp is making plans to provide Outdoor Ministry opportunities during the summer of 2022. Camps will be provided for Campers grades 4-12. Please use THIS LINK you will find more information about the camps and can register online. |
First Reformed Church Picnic at Wildcat Mtn. Farm Gather at 10:30am, Service at 11am, lunch following** Ken Davis providing music Come enjoy great music, worship, good food and fellowship at Wildcat Mtn. Farm for the FRUCC annual church picnic. Please bring lawn chairs for your family and extra’s for those that may not have them. Also, we need donations of canned drinks in coolers with ice. If you would like to volunteer to help set up or serve food contact;Susie Smith: 336-596-6889or |