We will have Kids’ Club with Alice Gray & Cathy Waitman this coming Sunday. The children will be painting. Please dress your child for this type of activity. We would hate to ruin clothes and shoes with paint that may spill or drip!
Monday, October 9th:
8:00am-5:00pm Realtors Meeting {Downstairs}
5:00pm Tutoring {Downstairs}
6:30pm Open Hands Meal {Fellowship Hall}
Tuesday, October 10th:
8:00am-12:00pm Realtors Meeting {Downstairs}
10:00am Weaving Women {Willing Workers classroom}
6:00pm Men’s Brotherhood {Fellowship Hall}
6:30pm Bd. of Evangelism {Parlor}
Wednesday, October 11th:
6:30pm Bell Choir {Bell Room}
7:15pm Choir {Chapel Annex}
Thursday, October 12th:
9:00am Friendship Club – Southern Supreme Fruitcake Tour
5:30pm Yoga {Parlor}
7:00pm Squar-n-Aders Square Dancing
Friday, October 13th:
3:30-7:00pm Grow & Go Girls {Kitchen}
Saturday October 14th:
2:00pm Families First outing to Patterson Farms
Sunday, October 15th: CHILDREN’S SABBATH
9:45am Sunday School
11:00am Worship
Greeters: John & Vicky Gray
Nursery: Heidi Hutcheson & Kivi Miller
12:15pm Congregational Meal & Budget Meeting
~2:00pm Consistory Meeting following meal and budget meeting
Church Members: Margot Everhart, Carolyn Spivey, Peggy Bates, Bill Walser
Homebound Members: Doris Flynt, Jo Hudson, Valerie Price, Joyce Price, Rita Tussey, Adena Wall, Marzell Crotts, James Everhart, Lib Hinkle, Doris Frye, Barbara Sowers, Hoyle Potts
· FUND RAISER: The singing carillon system donated by the Darrell Skipper family is in need of repair. The skipper family has committed $2,500 to get us started, but the estimated cost is $6,024. If you can give a donation over and above your church pledge, please write “carillon” on the memo line of your check and drop it in the offering plate. ALL GIFTS ARE APPRECIATED!
· October 10th – Men’s Brotherhood meetings resume at 6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall
· October 10th – Bd. of Evangelism meets at 6:00pm in the Parlor
· October 12th – Friendship Club – Open House at Southern Supreme Fruit Cake and meal at K&W
· October 14th – FAMILIES FIRST at FRUCC CORN MAZE OUTING to Patterson Farms
· October 15th – Children’s Sabbath, Congregational Meal & Budget Meeting, Consistory Meeting
(please see sign up information below if you are interested in attending the Congregational meal)
· October 17th – Women’s Life Fellowship Family Fun Night 6:00 in the Fellowship Hall (please see sign up information below if you are interested in attending Fun Night)
· October 22nd – 4th Sunday Hymn Sing
· October 22nd – Infant Baptism: Lily Harper Robertson (Daughter of Molly & Brad Robertson, Niece of Ellen & Jeremy Peterson, Granddaughter of Carolyn & Bill Robbins)
· October 22nd – 3:00-4:30pm – Interfaith Forum featuring Bushi Roshi, Buddhist Monk 4:00-5:30 in the Fellowship Hall
· October 23rd – 5:30pm – Confirmation Class
· October 26th – HURRICANE RELIEF FUNDRAISER 4:30-7:30 at Second Reformed UCC (Please see signs posted on bulletin boards in the Education Building)
· October 28th – BBQ Festival – Parking Cars
(please see sign up in the church office if you can help with car parking)
· October 29th – Families First Spaghetti Lunch after worship
· November 5th – Homecoming Sunday and Covered Dish
Congregational Meal & Budget Meeting
October 15, 2017
Mark your calendar for Sunday, October 15th. Following worship there will be a delicious lunch catered by Yarborough’s Restaurant The menu will include broasted chicken, creamed potatoes, green beans, rolls, tea/coffee and dessert. The cost of the meal will be $8.00. Payment for the meal will be accepted at the door.
Following the meal there will be a Budget Meeting. The proposed budget for 2018 will be presented at this time. All members of the congregation are encouraged to be a part of this important process in the life of First Reformed UCC.
The deadline to return forms is Sunday, October 8th.
To assist with meal planning, please complete the form and place it in the offering plate or return it to the church office.
Name: _________________________________________________
Number of Adults: ________ Number of Children: _______

(Please complete and place in offering plate or return to the office by October 8th)
Women’s Life Fellowship will again sponsor a FAMILY FUN NIGHT on Tuesday, October 17th at 6:00pm in the church fellowship hall. There will be pumpkins to decorate ($5 each) and Women’s Life Fellowship will provide the meal. There will be hotdogs with all the fixin’s, chips, drinks and dessert. There is no charge for the meal, so this truly is an affordable fun time for church families to fellowship. Sign up below and drop the form in the collection plate to reserve your pumpkin now!
The deadline to sign up is October 8th.
If you prefer not to decorate a pumpkin but would like to come enjoy a hot dog and fellowship, you are welcome!
Name ___________________________________ Number Attending ______
Number of Pumpkins ($5.00 each) ______ Number of Hotdogs (FREE) _____