Posts from 2018 (Page 5)
Upcoming Events for 3-5-18 thru 3-11-18
Looking toward Sunday… This Sunday, we begin a new ministry! Cathy Waitman will lead Children’s Church during the 11 am service! This is worship that is made just for the kids ages Pre-K – 5th grade. We follow a Safe Church Policy. Invite the kids you know. 🙂 In sanctuary worship, we are quieting things down and heightening our attention to the “still, small voice” of God and our own True Self. Listening through prayer as well as meditation on…
Upcoming Events for 2-26-18 thru 3-4-18
Looking toward Sunday… In his letter to the Roman church Paul writes, “…the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. “ Our theme for Lent is Listen. Think about your week. To which voices have you listened the most intently? What are the sounds that caught your attention? In my own mind, I cannot help but hear the voices…
Upcoming Events for 1-19 thru 2-25-18
We extend sympathy to J.W. Bates, Susan and Calvin Odom, Gary and Jennifer Bates and their families upon the death of their loved one, Betty Smith Bates. Please be in prayer for the family during this difficult time. Looking toward Sunday… As Lent begins, we are going to quiet things down…In worship, we will be attentive to the still, small voice of God and how God speaks within our own self. Lent will feel different…More contemplative and reflective…expect a time…
Upcoming Events for 2-12-18 thru 2-18-18
Let Your Light Shine! It’s Transfiguration Sunday, where the disciples go with Jesus on top of the mountain and have an experience like never before. On this Sunday, Jesus unveils his greatest risk of all, that he will risk his very life in order to proclaim messages of God’s love, healing, and hope. We too must be willing to take risks in order to have life that is fully lived. What are you willing to risk to be transformed? Mark…
Upcoming Events for 1-29-18 thru 2-4-18
The East Lexington Collaborative Ministry Group (First Reformed UCC, Second Reformed UCC, Shady Side Presbyterian, and St. Stephen UMC) will be holding a “Lenten Lunch & Learn Series” beginning Tuesday, February 20th in our church Fellowship Hall from 12:00-1:00pm. The meetings will continue each Tuesday through March 27th. Each meeting will begin with lunch (BRING YOUR OWN BAG LUNCH) and will be led by Rev. Elizabeth Horton and Rev. Dr. Arnetta Beverly, pastor of St. Stephens UMC. The bible study…
Upcoming Events for 1-22-18 thru 1-28-18
Please pick up your offering envelopes from the table outside of the church office. The East Lexington Collaborative Ministry Group (First Reformed UCC, Second Reformed UCC, Shady Side Presbyterian, and St. Stephen UMC) will be holding a “Lenten Lunch & Learn Series” beginning Tuesday, February 20th in our church Fellowship Hall from 12:00-1:00pm. The meetings will continue each Tuesday through March 27th. Each meeting will begin with lunch (BRING YOUR OWN BAG LUNCH) and will be led by Rev. Elizabeth…
Upcoming Events for 1-15-18 thru 1-21-18
Please pick up your offering envelopes from the table outside of the church office. The East Lexington Collaborative Ministry Group (First Reformed UCC, Second Reformed UCC, Shady Side Presbyterian, and St. Stephen UMC) will be holding a “Lenten Lunch & Learn Series” beginning Tuesday, February 20th in our church Fellowship Hall from 12:00-1:00pm. The meetings will continue each Tuesday through March 27th. Each meeting will begin with lunch (BRING YOUR OWN BAG LUNCH) and will be led by Rev. Elizabeth…
Upcoming Events for 1-8-18 thru 1-14-18
JANUARY WORSHIP THEMES & SCRIPTURE READINGS January 7 – Mark 1: 21-45 “The Cat Is Out of the Bag” Holy Communion and Installation of 2018 Consistory January 14 – Mark 2: 1-22 “Not So Nice and Neat” January 21 – Mark 5: 21-43 “Not So Untouchable” January 28 – Mark 6: 1-29 “Not Quite the Hometown Hero” 2018 BIRTHDAY & ANNIVERSARY CALENDARS SIGN UP for your 2018 Birthday and Anniversary Calendar today! If you are interested in purchasing one for…