Upcoming Events for 2-26-18 thru 3-4-18

Upcoming Events for 2-26-18 thru 3-4-18

Looking toward Sunday…
In his letter to the Roman church Paul writes,
“…the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. “
Our theme for Lent is Listen. Think about your week. To which voices have you listened the most intently? What are the sounds that caught your attention?
In my own mind, I cannot help but hear the voices of the teenagers from Parkland who gathered in the hundreds in sorrow, anger, and grief lifting up their impassioned and pained cries for change around the prevention of mass shootings and gun violence.
I hear their voices and I find myself at a loss for words in response. My own children ask questions I cannot answer adequately due my personal fears and frustrations. What does it mean to follow Jesus in these conversations?
Does this point to what Paul means by “…sighs too deep for words?” And yet, Paul says the “Spirit intercedes for us” when we don’t know what to pray. Is the Spirit interceding by mobilizing these young people?
How is the Spirit mobilizing you? I pray we have the courage to Listen.
Together with you in the journey,

  • First Lutheran Church is beginning a MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) group on Monday, February 26, 2018, at 10:00 AM. We would like to invite participants from your church to join us!

  • EASTER LILY ORDERS Easter Lilies will again be available to purchase in honor or in memory of loved ones. They will be displayed on the cross Easter Sunday and will be available for pick up after worship Easter Sunday. The cost of each plant is $13.00. You may order by completing the order form in Sunday’s bulletin or contacting the church office at 336-248-2617. The DEADLINE TO ORDER IS Wednesday, March 7th.

  • TOUCHING DAVIDSON COUNTY WITH LOVE needs volunteers as project managers and general workers. Please see the sign-up form in the narthex if you can help! The deadline to sign up is March 4th. Touching Davidson County with Love is March 24.

  • FAMILIES FIRST COVERED DISH MEAL AND MEETING on February 25th in the Fellowship Hall to discuss plans for future activities.

    February 25th at 5:00pm…Welcoming Task Force meeting in the church Parlor. All are welcome to attend.
  • FRIENDSHIP CLUB will meet Tuesday, February 27th for a catered lunch and entertainment by the Davidson Senior Chorus.

  • GARDEN WORK DAY Saturday March 3 from 10:00am-12:00pm, weather permitting.
    DON’T MISS “LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR!” Saturday, March 3, 2018 from 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
    $10 including lunch & refreshments Abernethy Laurels, 102 Leonard Avenue, Newton, NC 28658

  • Join the annual WNCA Education Gathering featuring one of the UCC’s Three Great Loves: Love of Neighbor!
    All are welcome to this gathering, which will include lunch, worship, and a celebration of the ministry of The Rev. Jerry Rhyne, our retiring WNCA Minister for Church Affairs.
    Start at 9:00am with coffee, pastries and fruit
    Learn from short presentations & engage in roundtable discussions
    Share a deli sandwich lunch (vegetarian & gluten-free options available)

  • GIRL SCOUT SUNDAY Members of Girl Scout Troop 2160 will participate in the morning worship on Girl Scout Sunday, March 11. A Noisy Offering will also be collected during worship that morning which will go toward their June trip to Los Angeles and the Grand Canyon.

  • VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL will be held at Second Reformed UCC on June 17-21 from 5:00-7:30pm each day. We still need volunteers to serve as teachers and/or group leaders. Please contact Cathy by March 11 if you are interested.

  • “40 BAGS in 40 DAYS” DECLUTTER CHALLENGE will continue until March 29th. Sign up to take challenge at facebook.com/girlscouts2160 or instagram.com/girlscouts2160 or by letting Kivi Miller know you plan to participate.

CHURCH MEMBERS: Lib Sink, Sylvia Walser, Carolyn Spivey, Peggy Bates, Ruth Fritts, Margot Everhart, Margie & Vogen Everhart, Ruth Essick, J.W. Bates
HOMEBOUND MEMBERS: Doris Flynt, James Everhart, Lib & Jimbo Hinkle, Jo Hudson, Valerie Price, Joyce Price, Rita Tussey, Adena Wall, Marzell Crotts, Hoyle Potts
OUR FRIENDS: Greg Nifong (Lib Sink’s nephew), Danny Lloyd (Frank Callicutt’s father), Russ Maze (John Maze’s father), Albert Evans (Harriette Murphy’s brother), Lynn Mack (friend of Mary Berrier), Julia Clodfelter (Deanna Michael’s sister and Mary Berrier’s sister-in-law), Doris Brown (Mike & Lynn Brown’s sister-in-law), Ronald Yates, (Eddie Yates’ dad), Nell and Ken Holmes (neighbors of Jerry and Patti Lovell), Jeffery Saunders (Amy Hedrick’s son), Debra Craver (friend of Alisa Johnson), Sharon Ward (friend of Alisa Johnson), Delores Martin (Sylvia Walser’s sister), Eric Varnadore (Carol Varnadore’s son), Ashley Anderson (Lee Ann Peele’s cousin), Nancy Barr (Betty Barr’s mother-in-law), Judy Stanley (family of Alane Holste)

Sunday, February 25 Second Sunday in Lent
9:45am Children – studying Joseph with Cathy Waitman
New Way – studying Mark with Jerry Lovell
Willing Workers – studying Luke with Doug Sink
Discussion class – studying “Let Your Life Speak” by Parker Palmer
with Elizabeth Horton
11:00am Worship in the Sanctuary…Noisy Offering for Back Pack Program
12:15pm Families First Covered Dish Lunch and meeting {FH}
5:00pm Welcoming Task Force {P}
Monday, February 26
5:00pm Tutoring
5:30pm Confirmation Class
6:00pm Open Hands Ministry {FH}
Tuesday, February 27
10:00am Weaving Women {WW Classroom}
11-12:00 Lenten Lunch & Learn {P}
12:00pm Friendship Club: Davidson County Senior Chorus {FH}
Wednesday, February 28
12:00pm Community Lenten Service {First Lutheran Church}
6:30pm Bell Choir {Bell Room}
7:15pm Choir {Ch. A}
Thursday, March 1
5:30pm YOGA Class {P}
7:00pm Square Dancing {FH}
Saturday, March 3
9-2:00 WNCA Spring Education Gathering: Love Your Neighbor
{Abernethy Laurels, 102 Leonard Avenue, Newton, NC}
10-12:00 Community Garden Workday (weather permitting)
Sunday, March 4 Third Sunday in Lent
9:45am Children – JAM with Ellen Peterson
New Way – studying Mark with Jerry Lovell
Willing Workers – studying Luke with Doug Sink
Discussion class – studying “Let Your Life Speak” by Parker Palmer
with Elizabeth Horton
11:00am Worship in the Sanctuary
Looking Ahead…

  1. Sunday, March 11
    One Great Hour of Sharing
    Girl Scout Sunday
    Interfaith Forum #3 at 4:00pm
  2. Sunday March 18
    Catawba Singers at 3:00pm
  3. Saturday, March 24
    Touching Davidson County with Love


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