Upcoming Events 10-16-17 thru 10-22-17

Upcoming Events 10-16-17 thru 10-22-17

Monday, October 16th:
5:00pm Tutoring {Downstairs}
6:30pm Open Hands Meal {Fellowship Hall}

Tuesday, October 17th:
9:30am Davidson/Forsyth Ministerium {Fellowship Hall}
10:00am Weaving Women {Willing Workers classroom}
6:00pm Women’s Life Fellowship Family Fun Night {Fellowship Hall}

Wednesday, October 18th:
6:30pm Bell Choir {Bell Room}
7:15pm Choir {Chapel Annex}

Thursday, October 19th:
5:30pm Yoga {Parlor}
7:00pm Squar-n-Aders Square Dancing

Sunday, October 22nd:
9:45am Sunday School
10:45am 4th Sunday Hymn Sing {Sanctuary}
11:00am Worship: Infant Baptism- Lily Harper Robertson
Greeters: Buddy & Rita Lohr
Nursery: Heidi Hutcheson & Kivi Miller
4-5:30pm INTERFAITH FORUM: Buddhist Monk Bushi Damashii {Fellowship Hall}

Church Members: Lee Ann Peele, Ellen Bouchard, Margot Everhart, Carolyn Spivey, Peggy Bates, Bill Walser
Homebound Members: Doris Flynt, Jo Hudson, Valerie Price, Joyce Price, Rita Tussey, Adena Wall, Marzell Crotts, James Everhart, Lib Hinkle, Doris Frye, Barbara Sowers, Hoyle Potts

· FUND RAISER: The singing carillon system donated by the Darrell Skipper family is in need of repair. The skipper family has committed $2,500 to get us started, but the estimated cost is $6,024. If you can give a donation over and above your church pledge, please write “carillon” on the memo line of your check and drop it in the offering plate. ALL GIFTS ARE APPRECIATED!

· October 22nd – “Songs for Tate” Music performed by Daniel Dickens and Kelly Newsome at 3:00pm at First Evangelical Lutheran Church. FREE ADMISSION and donations will help 4-year-old Tate Whitley, who was diagnosed with Leukemia.
· October 23rd – 5:30pm – Confirmation Class
· October 26th – HURRICANE RELIEF FUNDRAISER 4:30-7:30 at Second Reformed UCC (Please see signs posted on bulletin boards in the Education Building)
· October 28th – BBQ Festival – Parking Cars
(please see sign up in the church office if you can help with car parking)

· October 29th – Presentation of Confirmands
· October 29th – Families First Spaghetti Lunch after worship
· November 5th – Homecoming Sunday and Covered Dish Meal
· November 5th – 3:00pm Organ Recital: Dr. Stephen Schaeffer
· November 12th & 19th – New Member Inquiry Class


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