Upcoming Events for 10-23-17 thru 10-29-17

Upcoming Events for 10-23-17 thru 10-29-17

Monday, October 23
5:00pm Tutoring {SS Hall}
5:30pm Confirmation Class {Family Room}
6:30pm Open Hands Meal {FH}

Tuesday, October 24
10:00am East Lexington Collaborative Ministries {P}
10:00am Weaving Women {Willing Workers Classroom}
2:00pm Meals on Wheels Board Meeting {P}

Wednesday, October 25
6:30pm Bell Choir {Bell Room}
7:15pm Choir {Ch. Annex}

Thursday, October 26
5:30pm YOGA Class {P}
7:00pm Squar-n-Aders Square Dancers {FH}

Saturday, October 28 All Day
BBQ Festival Parking Cars in our Parking Lots

Sunday, October 29 SUNDAY WORSHIP
9:45am Youth Service Project, Willing Workers Class with Doug Sink, New Way Class with David Fulton, Pastor’s Discussion Class with Rev. Horton
10:45am Hymn Sing in the Sanctuary
11:00am Worship – Presentation of Confirmands
12:15pm Families First Spaghetti Lunch & Meeting {FH}

Celebrating Birthdays & Anniversaries {October 22-28}
October 22 Molly Robertson
October 24 Clark Bailey
October 25 Jamie Link
October 25 Henry & Kay Crouse
October 28 Nicole Smith


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