Pastor’s blog

Pastor’s blog

First Reformed UCC will celebrate its 118th anniversary!  The first service was held January 20, 1901. Many thanks go to the History Committee (Rita Lohr, Merle Hodges, Katherine Skipper, Cliff Lopp, Carolyn Spivey) for compiling a list of fun facts about the church’s history. This group also oversees and updates the church’s History Room, located on the 3rd floor of the Educational Building, where many of our treasures and records are kept. 

  • 1921 – The church membership had grown from the 22 original charter members to 450 members.
  • 1941 – The church congregation had grown to 715 active members with an average weekly attendance of 351 members.
  • 1943 – The church newsletter was started to keep our men and women in the military service informed of church happenings.
  • 1947 – The newsletter was sent to homes to inform members of programs, plans and news about the church and the people.
  • 1956 – Reverend Marlin Schaeffer asked the Consistory for permission to have the first midnight Christmas Eve Service.
  • 1971 – Betty Helm, wife of Rev. Dr. Paul Helm, started the workshops to create the Chrismons for the church Christmas tree. Members of the Women’s Guild met weekly to work on the project.

      The first Christmas bazaar at our church and area churches was held to raise money for the building fund. This was under the direction of Peggy Bates, Women’s Guild President.

      Several area churches began preparing meals for people in need. FRUCC was the only church with a commercial kitchen and that was the beginning of Meals on Wheels at FRUCC.

  • 1991 – The Child Development and Preschool Center opened at FRUCC to children of Davidson County. 19 children enrolled at that time.
  • 1992 – Our church was one of the first of the area churches to construct a Memorial Garden Columbarium on the church grounds.

Our history shows this church as one seeking to serve in the community.  As we move forward, may we be inspired by the ministry of our forebearers.  

Our scripture this Sunday is John 2: 1-11; the story of Jesus at the wedding in Cana.

In addition to the Choir, we are looking forward to Rev. Dr. Lee Jessup sharing special music in worship. 

A Sunday of New Beginnings: At 9:45, the both the younger and older children will meet together with Cathy Waitman and Rita Lohr for a Youth Service Project and I will begin leading a TEENS class.  Jeremy Lovell will begin the Faith and Family Discussion for Parents with kids of all ages.



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