As we move into Sunday, we begin the series LENT 2020: Training for the Body.  We will gather around the Table of Christ and hear the words, “This is my body, given for you.  Do this in remembrance of me.”   Jesus walked upon this earth in a real-life flesh-and-bone body – just like ours.  During Holy Communion, we remember that in the body of Jesus, the church becomes a body.  This year Lent will be a time of training our own bodies as well as the Body of the Church.  Get ready for a Boot Camp of the soul…. a restart, a time of training in a focused way.  Reflection and change take work, hard work.  Each Sunday we will train together, preparing to push ourselves past our limitations training for life in the Body.

This Sunday, we acknowledge the first step is to recognize the need for change and make the decision to do something about it. Our text comes from Jesus in the wilderness facing temptations in Matthew 4: 1-11 . 

Matthew 4: 1-11


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