Upcoming Events 7-3-17 thru 7-9-17

Upcoming Events 7-3-17 thru 7-9-17


Open Hands Ministry is cancelled for Monday, July 3rd


NEW MEMBER / INQUIRY CLASSES If you would like to get more involved, learn more about our congregation and the United Church of Christ, and join our church, we encourage you to attend an Inquiry Class. There will be two classes held on July 16th and 23rd. You only need to attend one. The meetings will be held in the Parlor. We will discuss who we are and what we believe as a United Church of Christ, and also learn about the organization and opportunities for involvement at First Reformed UCC. New Member Welcome Sunday will be August 6th.

“Back to School” campaign for Communities in Schools
will begin on July 16th. We will collect supplies during the month of July and August. Each Sunday, please help by bringing the specific items for the Communities in Schools box outside the office during July or to the Narthex during August. Please refer to the list below.

July 16 – pencils and notebook paper
July 23 – crayons and glue sticks
July 30 – composition books & erasers
August 6 – colored pencils & markers
August 13 – backpacks

Vacation Bible School 2017
“Getting ‘S’more’ of Jesus” VBS for this year will be held on two days this year…Friday, August 4th from 5:30 – 8:30 with a snack supper served at 5:30 and Saturday, August 5th from 9:00 – 11:30 with a special snack afterwards. There is a group for 3 – 5 year olds and a group for Kindergarten thru 5th graders. In addition to station leaders, we will need crew leaders, assistants (middle and high school youth), donated items and loaned items. If you would like to help out or donate/loan some of the things on the list, please email Cathy at cathy@frucc.org or see her at church. The list will be in the bulletin, near the chapel, and on the bulletin board in the hall outside the kitchen. Check the lists to see what has already been covered. Please label all loaned items with your name.

Church Directory Update Continues
You can still email a digitalized copy of a current picture for the new directory to carolyn@frucc.org or bring one you’d liked scanned by the office.

Items for the Senior Care Center
If you have any toiletries or household items for Carolina Senior Care Center, please bring them to the church on Sunday. You may leave them at the office. Items needed include hair care products, dental care products, soaps and body wash, body lotion, deodorant, paper towels and tissues, laundry detergent and household cleaning products.

Reminder for the Youth
Remember to take FLAT JESUS along with you wherever you may go and have someone snap a picture. Text or email the picture to Pastor Elizabeth or email it to Carolyn in the office so we can add His adventures to our Facebook page and the newsletter! The “Adventures of Flat Jesus” could be very entertaining for all of us!

Church Website
Please remember that weekly sermons and bulletins, as well as the monthly newsletters are now available on our church website. http://frucc.org/

Please Pray for:
Margot Everhart, Camille Morgan, Larry Link, Peggy Bates, Myra Thompson, Bill Walser, Doris Flynt, Doris Frye, and Clifford Lopp

Stewards for This Sunday
Liturgist: Heidi Hutcheson
Ushers: Ron Hutcheson (captain), Keri Hartle, Ashlee Snider, Rich Johnson, Edgar Miller
Youth Usher: Ava Miller
Plate Attendant: Walter Hoffman
Acolyte: Jacob Hartle
Bible Steward: Jianna Miller
Sound Tech: James Gray
Greeter: Amy Hedrick
Nursery: Nina Smith & Nicole Smith



5:30pm YOGA Class {Parlor}
7:00pm Sqar-n-Aders Square Dancers {Fellowship Hall}

SUNDAY, July 9 Fifth Sunday after Pentecost – SUMMER WORSHIP HOURS

Worship and Communion in the Fellowship Hall

9:30am Sunday School
Children – Service Project with Cathy
Youth meet with Jerry and Patti Lovell {Downstairs}
Adult Sunday School Classes:
Willing Workers Class with Carolyn Spivey
New Way Class with Dave Fulton

10:30am Worship and Communion in the Fellowship Hall
Greeter: Brian McKerlie
Nursery: Aurelia Smith & Sylvia Walser


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