Upcoming Events for 1-19 thru 2-25-18

Upcoming Events for 1-19 thru 2-25-18

We extend sympathy to J.W. Bates, Susan and Calvin Odom, Gary and Jennifer Bates and their families upon the death of their loved one, Betty Smith Bates. Please be in prayer for the family during this difficult time.

Looking toward Sunday…
As Lent begins, we are going to quiet things down…In worship, we will be attentive to the still, small voice of God and how God speaks within our own self. Lent will feel different…More contemplative and reflective…expect a time of silence. Our scripture comes from 1 Kings 19: 11-12. Elijah was surprised when he found the voice of God in a cave. He thought God would be found in the earthquake or the fire. So many voices tell us what to do and how to live. Find your cave. Find your place where you can get quiet enough to hear past the chaos.

  • SUBMISSIONS FOR THE MARCH NEWSLETTER need to be turned in or emailed to the church office by FEBRUARY 19th!

  • SPECIAL THANKS to Buddy Lohr and his son, Jay, for the new storage cabinet for our new communion ware. Thanks, also to Rich Johnson for painting the new cabinet and choir closet.

  • NOISY OFFERING! The NEXT TWO Sundays a NOISY OFFERING will be collected for the Back Pack Program for Easter Break for South Lexington School.

  • COMMUNITY LENTEN SERVICES continue Wednesdays throughout Lent at First Lutheran Church.
    Hosting denominations vary each week, but all meetings will be held at First Lutheran.
    February 21: Presbyterian
    February 28: Hospice Chaplains/Community Action
    March 7: UCC
    March 14 Baptist
    March 21: Methodist

  • VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR TOUCHING DAVIDSON COUNTY WITH LOVE as project managers and general workers. Please see the sign-up form in the narthex if you can help! The deadline to sign up is March 4th.

    February 18th at 3:00pm…Forum #2 {Fellowship Hall} LGBT Families Sharing Their Stories (Belinda Yates, Betty Barr, Lisa Nelson & Michell Winters)
    February 25th at 5:00pm…Welcoming Task Force meeting at church {Parlor}

  • LENTEN LUNCH & LEARN study begins Tuesday, February 20th from 12:00-1:00pm in our church Parlor. Don’t forget your bag lunch!

  • FAMILIES FIRST COVERED DISH MEAL AND MEETING following worship on February 25th in the Fellowship Hall to discuss plans for future activities.

  • REMINDER FOR THE FRIENDSHIP CLUB meeting Tuesday, February 27th. Catered lunch and entertainment. Contact Cathy by Sunday if you’re interested in attending. The cost is $10.00.

  • VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Thank you to Linda Sink for volunteering as contact person for VBS. We still need volunteers to serve as teachers and/or group leaders. Please contact Cathy by March 11 if you are interested.

  • “40 BAGS in 40 DAYS” DECLUTTER CHALLENGE will continue until March 29th. Sign up to take challenge at facebook.com/girlscouts2160 or instagram.com/girlscouts2160 or by letting Kivi Miller know you plan to participate.

CHURCH MEMBERS: Carolyn Spivey, Peggy Bates, Ruth Fritts, Margot Everhart, Margie & Vogen Everhart, Ruth Essick, J.W. Bates
HOMEBOUND MEMBERS: Lib & Jimbo Hinkle, Jo Hudson, Valerie Price, Joyce Price, Rita Tussey, Adena Wall, Marzell Crotts, Hoyle Potts, Doris Flynt, James Everhart
OUR FRIENDS: Albert Evans (Harriette Murphy’s brother), Lynn Mack (friend of Mary Berrier), Julia Clodfelter (Deanna Michael’s sister and Mary Berrier’s sister-in-law), Doris Brown (Mike & Lynn Brown’s sister-in-law), Ronald Yates, (Eddie Yates’ dad), Debra Craver (friend of Alisa Johnson), Sharon Ward (friend of Alisa Johnson), Delores Martin (Sylvia Walser’s sister), Martha Moore (friend of Frank Leonard), Eric Varnadore (Carol Varnadore’s son), Ashley Anderson (Lee Ann Peele’s cousin), Nancy Barr (Betty Barr’s mother-in-law), Judy Stanley (family of Alane Holste), Nell and Ken Holmes (neighbors of Jerry and Patti Lovell), Jeffery Saunders (Amy Hedrick’s son), Geraldine Westmoreland (Frank Westmoreland’s mother)

9:45am Children – studying Joseph with Cathy Waitman
New Way – studying Mark with Dave Fulton
Willing Workers – studying Luke with Doug Sink
Pastor’s Discussion class –studying “Let Your Life Speak” by Parker Palmer
with Elizabeth Horton
11:00am Worship in the Sanctuary {Noisy Offering for Backpack Program}
3:00pm Building and Inclusive Church – Forum #2: LGBT Families Share their Stories {FH}
(Belinda Yates, Betty Barr, Lisa Nelson & Michell Winters)
Monday, February 19
5:00pm Tutoring
6:00pm Open Hands Ministry {FH}
Tuesday, February 20
10:00am Weaving Women {WW Classroom}
12-1:00 Lenten Lunch & Learn {P}
7:00pm Women’s Life Fellowship {p}
Wednesday, February 21
6:30pm Bell Choir {Bell Room}
7:15pm Choir {Ch. A}
Thursday, February 22
5:30pm YOGA Class {P}
7:00pm Square Dancing {FH}
Sunday, February 25 Second Sunday in Lent
9:45am Children – studying Joseph with Cathy Waitman
New Way – studying Mark
Willing Workers – studying Luke with Doug Sink
Pastor’s Discussion class – studying “Let Your Life Speak” by Parker Palmer
with Elizabeth Horton
11:00am Worship in the Sanctuary {Noisy Offering for Back Pack Program}
12:15pm Families First Covered Dish Lunch and meeting {FH}
5:00pm Welcoming Task Force {P}


  1. March 4…TDCWL Deadline for project manager sign-up and T-shirt orders
  2. March 11…One Great Hour of Sharing
    Girl Scout Sunday
    Interfaith Forum #3 4:00
  3. March 18…Catawba Singers at 3:00
  4. March 24…Touching Davidson County with Love


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