Upcoming Events for 11-6-17 thru 11-12-17

Upcoming Events for 11-6-17 thru 11-12-17

Sunday, November 5:
9:45am Sunday School
JAM choir with Ellen Peterson and Keri Hartle
New Way with Dave Fulton
Willing Workers with Doug Sink
Pastor’s Discussion Class with Rev. Horton
11:00am Worship in the Sanctuary: Homecoming & Memorial Sunday
12:15pm Covered Dish Lunch {Fellowship Hall}
3:00pm Organ Recital: Dr. Stephen Schaeffer {Sanctuary}
Reception following in the Fellowship Hall

Monday, November 6:
5:00pm Tutoring {SS Hall}
5:30pm Confirmation Class
6:30pm Open Hands Meal {Fellowship Hall}

Tuesday, November 7:
10:00am Weaving Women {Willing Workers classroom}
6:30pm Bd. of Evangelism {Parlor}
Bd. of Christian Education {Ch. Annex}

Wednesday, November 8:
6:30pm Bell Choir {Bell Room}
7:15pm Choir {Chapel Annex}

Thursday, November 9:
5:30pm Yoga {Parlor}
7:00pm Squar-n-Aders Square Dancing {Fellowship Hall}

Saturday, November 11:
11:00am Veteran’s Day Parade {Downtown}

Sunday, November 12: STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY
Don’t forget to bring your pledge cards and Time & Talents Sheet

9:45am Sunday School
Children (K-5) Service Project with Lynn Brown
Inquiry Class for New Members
New Way with Dave Fulton
Willing Workers with Doug Sink
Pastor’s Discussion Class
11:00am Worship in the Sanctuary
Greeters: Ted, Nina, Griff & Claire Smith
Nursery: Mary Berrier & Gennie Lou Byerly
12:15pm Consistory

 RADA CUTLERY The Morning Glory Circle will take orders for Rada Cutlery items through December 6th. This will allow items to arrive in time for Christmas gifts. New catalogs will be available at the Women’s Life Fellowship Bake Sale on November 19th. For more information you may contact Rita Lohr. (336-249-9783)

 HOLIDAY BAKE SALE Women’s Life Fellowship will hold a HOLIDAY BAKE SALE on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19th beginning at 9:15 a.m. If you need help with your baking for the Thanksgiving holiday, we’ll have pound cakes, pies, cookies, and mixes.
Come Hungry! Mary Jo will be making sausage biscuits, and we will have coffee. Enjoy breakfast while you shop. Advent Wreath Workshop Sunday, November 26th at 1:00 in the Fellowship Hall Candles, oasis and pans will be furnished Bring your greener, shears, and decorations SIGN UP BY NOVEMBER 19th to RESERVE YOUR MATERIALS NAME ___________________________________________NUMBER OF WREATHS _____


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