Looking toward Sunday…
In sanctuary worship, we are quieting things down and heightening our attention to the “still, small voice” of God and our own True Self. Listening through prayer as well as meditation on the Scripture is an ancient Lenten practice. We hear from Wisdom in Proverbs 1, “Look, I’ll pour out my spirit on you. I’ll reveal my words to you.” Come and rest, come and listen to the voice of God speaking to you.
Ellen Peterson will provide special music during the service.
This Sunday, we begin a new ministry! Cathy Waitman will lead Children’s Church during the 11 am service! This is worship that is made just for the kids ages Pre-K – 5th grade. We follow a Safe Church Policy. Invite the kids you know. 🙂
In sanctuary worship, we are quieting things down and heightening our attention to the “still, small voice” of God and our own True Self. Listening through prayer as well as meditation on the Scripture is an ancient Lenten practice. We hear from Wisdom in Proverbs 1, “Look, I’ll pour out my spirit on you. I’ll reveal my words to you.” Come and rest, come and listen to the voice of God speaking to you.
Ellen Peterson will provide special music during the service.
The March Newsletter is now published! This is one of our main ways of communicating, so please make sure you read it. It is emailed, published on the website, and paper copies are available at church as well as mailed to those who request. Please let the church office know if you need help receiving it.
CHURCH MEMBERS: Jo Hudson (Lexington Health Care), Gennie Lou Byerly, Ruth Essick, J.W. Bates, Carolyn Spivey, Peggy Bates, Ruth Fritts, Margot Everhart
HOMEBOUND MEMBERS: Lib & Jimbo Hinkle, Jo Hudson, Valerie Price, Joyce Price, Rita Tussey, Adena Wall, Marzell Crotts, Hoyle Potts, Doris Flynt, James Everhart
OUR FRIENDS: Damian Alvarez (family of Eddie and Belinda Yates,) Dot Crotts (Frank Leonard’s aunt), Julia Clodfelter (Deanna Michael’s sister and Mary Berrier’s sister-in-law), Doris Brown (Mike & Lynn Brown’s sister-in-law), Ronald Yates, (Eddie Yates’ dad), Nell and Ken Holmes (neighbors of Jerry and Patti Lovell), Jeffery Saunders (Amy Hedrick’s son), Debra Craver (friend of Alisa Johnson), Sharon Ward (friend of Alisa Johnson), Eric Varnadore (Carol Varnadore’s son), Ashley Anderson (Lee Ann Peele’s cousin), Nancy Barr (Betty Barr’s mother-in-law), Judy Stanley (family of Alane Holste)Greg Nifong (Lib Sink’s nephew), Danny Lloyd (Frank Callicutt’s father), Russ Maze (John Maze’s father), Lynn Mack (friend of Mary Berrier)
- March 3rd & March 10th
GARDEN WORKSHOPS with Edgar Miller are scheduled for tomorrow and next Saturday. Please plan to come help out from 10-12:00. Also, on Sunday, March 18th, Kid’s Club will help plant potatoes with Edgar.
- March 4th
- CONFIRMANDS AND THEIR PARENTS will meet briefly with Rev. Horton directly after worship on Sunday in front of sanctuary.
- Deadline to sign up for TOUCHING DAVIDSON COUNTY WITH LOVE Volunteers are needed as project managers and general workers for TDCWL on March 24th.Please see the sign-up form in the narthex if you can help!
- CONFIRMANDS AND THEIR PARENTS will meet briefly with Rev. Horton directly after worship on Sunday in front of sanctuary.
- March 7th
DEADLINE TO ORDER EASTER LILIES is fast approaching! The cost of each plant is $13.00. The lilies will be on display in the sanctuary on Easter morning, April 1st and can be picked up immediately following worship. To purchase a lily in honor or memory of someone, complete the order form that will be in the bulletin Sunday morning to place in the offering plate or call the church office at 336-248-2617. DEADLINE TO ORDER LILIES IS MARCH 7TH!
- March 11th
- DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME BEGINS!!! Don’t forget to TURN YOUR CLOCKS AHEAD ONE HOUR before you go to bed Saturday, March 10th.
- ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING Envelopes for this offering will be in your bulletins.
- GIRL SCOUT SUNDAY Members of Girl Scout Troop 2160 will participate in morning worship A Noisy Offering that will be collected during worship which will go toward their June trip to Los Angeles and the Grand Canyon.
- INTERFAITH FORUM #3 at 4:00 will feature Father Constantine Shepherd from Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in Winston Salem. The forum will be held in the Fellowship Hall with refreshments following the presentation.
- VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL to serve as teachers and/or group leaders. Please contact Cathy Waitman by March 11 if you are interested. VBS is scheduled for June 17-21 at Second Reformed UCC. Each night will begin with a light supper at 5:00 with Bible School beginning at 6:00.
- DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME BEGINS!!! Don’t forget to TURN YOUR CLOCKS AHEAD ONE HOUR before you go to bed Saturday, March 10th.
- March 18th
CATAWBA SINGERS TO PERFORM AT 3:00PM in the sanctuary! The program is presented by the First UCC Arts Series and the Board of Evangelism. The Catawba Singers is a select choral ensemble open to Catawba students by audition only. The Singers are very active in performances both on and off campus. This will be the third time the Singers have been to First Reformed UCC. There will be a love offering collected to help cover their expenses. You are invited to join the Singers in a reception in the Fellowship Hall immediately after their performance.
- March 29th
CONTINUE TO FILL BAGS FOR THE “40 BAGS in 40 DAYS” DECLUTTER CHALLENGE until March 29th. Bags may be dropped off downstairs in the Education Building any time before then. Look for the classrooms labeled “GIRL SCOUTS.”
Sunday, March 4 Third Sunday in Lent
Children – JAM with Ellen Peterson and Carolyn Robbins
New Way – studying Mark with Jerry Lovell
Willing Workers – studying Genesis with Doug Sink
Still Speaking Class – studying “Let Your Life Speak” by Parker Palmer
with Elizabeth Horton {P}
First Sunday Social: Lisa Nelson & Michell Winters
Worship in the Sanctuary…Children’s Church with Cathy Waitman and Keri Hartle
Brief meeting for confirmands and their parents at the front of the sanctuary
Monday, March 5
Open Hands Ministry {FH}
Tuesday, March 6
Weaving Women {WW Classroom}
Lenten Lunch & Learn {P}
Bd. of Evangelism {P}
Bd. of Christian Education {Rm. 102}
Morning Glory Circle {P}
Community Lenten Service {First Lutheran Church}
Bell Choir {Bell Room}
Choir {Ch. A}
Thursday, March 8
YOGA Class {P}
Square Dancing {FH}
Community Garden Workday
Sunday, March 11 Fourth Sunday in Lent…One Great Hour of Sharing…
Girl Scout Sunday…Noisy Offering
Children – studying Abraham & Isaac with Cathy Waitman
New Way – studying Mark with Dave Fulton
Willing Workers – studying Genesis with Doug Sink
Still Speaking Class – studying “Let Your Life Speak” by Parker Palmer
with Elizabeth Horton {P}
Worship in the Sanctuary
Interfaith Forum #3: Father Constantine Shepherd…refreshments following {FH}