Looking toward Sunday…
Although Easter baskets have long been put away, Easter is a season we are still celebrating in worship! The promise of the resurrection reminds us that even in the most difficult of times, God’s love and grace shows up, guiding us into a new, and mostly unimaginable, kind of life…
Last week, as we read about Doubting Thomas, I asked you to write down the doubts and questions you wrestle with in your own faith and life. What you wrote was extremely deep and meaningful. I have woven these doubts and struggles together into a Litany of Prayer for us this Sunday. Thank you for beautifully and authentically expressing the questions so many of us have on our minds.
This Sunday, we continue the Life Resurrected series. This week we focus on being “Raised from Hopelessness.” Looking at Luke 24: 13-32.
I will leave you with a quote that I randomly found this week. I don’t know who originated it, but it’s affected my own personal prayer life this week and also my prayers for the church. May it affect you as well…
“Don’t ask God to guide your footsteps unless you are willing to move your feet.”
Let’s keep moving our feet, together in love,
Congratulations to Tommy and Lauren Thompson Gould on the birth of their son. “Baby” Gould was born Monday, April 9. The proud grandmother is Myra Thompson.
Monday, April 16
1-5:00pm Board of Realtors Meeting {DS}
5:00pm Tutoring
6:30pm Open Hands Ministry {FH}
Tuesday, April 17
8:30-5:30 Board of Realtors Meeting {DS}
7:00pm Women’s Life Fellowship {P}
Wednesday, April 18
6:30pm Bell Choir {practice in the Sanctuary}
7:15pm Choir {Ch A}
Thursday, April 19
5:30pm YOGA Class {P}
Sunday, April 22 Fourth Sunday of Easter
9:45am Children – “Knowing Jesus in a New Way” with Cathy Waitman and Rita Lohr
New Way – studying Romans with Dave Fulton
Willing Workers – studying Genesis with Doug Sink
Still Speaking Class –Rob Bell’s “Nooma” video series with Elizabeth Horton {P}
11:00am Worship in the Sanctuary
12:30pm Choir Luncheon
4:00pm Interfaith Forum #4: Naijla Faizi {FH}
CHURCH MEMBERS: Ruth Fritts, Margot Everhart, Carolyn Spivey, Peggy Bates
HOMEBOUND MEMBERS: Doris Flynt, James Everhart, Lib & Jimbo Hinkle, Jo Hudson, Valerie Price, Rita Tussey, Adena Wall, Marzell Crotts, Hoyle Potts
OUR FRIENDS: Virginia Byars (friend of Alisa Johnson), Derrick Wong (friend of Joni Walser), Ashley Anderson (Lee Ann Peele’s cousin), Judy Stanley (family of Alane Holste), Danny Lloyd (Frank Callicutt’s father), Lynn Mack (friend of Mary Berrier), Barbara Miller (Eddie Yates’ mother), Kiana Sinz (friend of Patti Lovell), Louis Honeycutt, Eliza Paris (friend of Sylvia Walser’s granddaughter), Jonelle Parker (friend of Frank Leonard), Rev. Jamie Armstrong (1st UMC) and his wife, Rev. Elizabeth Graves (Epworth UMC in Concord), Ronald Yates (Eddie Yates’ dad), Nell and Ken Holmes (neighbors of Jerry and Patti Lovell), Jeffery Saunders (Amy Hedrick’s son)
- ATTENTION ALL CRAFTERS! There will be a Prayer Shawl Blessing on Sunday, April 29. Please contact Harriette Murphy or the church office if you will have shawls for this blessing.
- INTERFAITH FORUM #4: COME LEARN ABOUT ISLAM April 22 from 4:00-5:30pm Guest Speaker: Naijla Faizi Program Director for Muslim Life at Wake Forest University
- FAMILIES FIRST will gather on Saturday, April 28 5-7:00pm at the home of Joy, Vance and Addie Walser. Bring a snack or appetizer to share. RSVP deadline is SUNDAY so the Walsers will know how many to expect.
- DAVIDSON-FORSYTH DISTRICT FIFTH SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP will be held Sunday, April 29 at 4:00pm at Piedmont Crossing. The worship leader will be Rev. Dr. R. J. Hronek of Heidelberg UCC in Thomasville..
- “UCC: WHO WE ARE” is a new video-led class scheduled for May 2 through June 3. All who are interested in learning about the United Church of Christ are invited to attend. We will gather in the Fellowship Hall, so there will be plenty of room!
- NEW MEMBER SUNDAY IS MAY 20 In anticipation of New Member Sunday, anyone interested in becoming a part of our congregation or learning more about the church should plan to attend the new video-led series titled “UCC: WHO WE ARE” on May 6 and May 13. Please let the church office know (carolyn@frucc.org) if you are planning to attend.
- SAVE THE DATE: ORGAN RECITAL on SUNDAY, MAY 6th at 3:00pm in the church sanctuary. Performances will include various organists from local churches, instrumentalists on piano, harp and saxophone and vocal performances. A Love Offering will be collected to benefit Pastor’s Pantry. Look for more information soon!
- WINSTON SALEM DASH GAME SUNDAY, JUNE 3 at 2:00pm. The deadline to sign up is SUNDAY, MAY 6. The cost is $13 per person. We will be sitting in a covered area near home plate. If you are interested in attending, please sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board in the Education Building or let Cathy know.
- GRADUATION SUNDAY is scheduled for Sunday, June 3rd. We would like to honor all milestones in education. If your child is graduating from kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school or college, please advise the church office by Sunday, May 27th.
JOHN’S RIVER VALLEY CAMP Don’t miss out on opportunities to sign up for John’s River Valley Camp. The 2018 Traditional Summer Camp Schedule includes opportunities for various age and grade levels.2018 Registration HAS ALREADY BEGUN. Follow the links below for more information:
Johns River Valley Camp 2018 Summer Camp
Facebook Summer Camp - JOHN’S RIVER VALLEY CAMP WORK OPPORTUNITIES for Summer 2018
Competitive Salary…Meaningful Work
Johns River Valley Camp seeks seven or eight persons to serve as full time resident leaders during the summer of 2018. Candidates will serve between the times of June 4 through July 31. The on-site Johns River Camp training and orientation will take place during the time of June 4-8, 2018. Plan to arrive on Monday, June 4, between 11:00am and noon.If you are interested you can email Phil Hardy at phardy.jrvc@gmail.com
Or go to the web site at JRVC and click on Summer Staff Job Description and Application.You may also obtain a copy of the Johns River Valley Camp Summer Camp Assistance Team Application by contacting First Reformed UCC church office at 336-248-2617 or carolyn@frucc.org
DISCOVER is a program that challenges formative middle and high school youth with careful theological and moral reflection prior to college life. In the midst of theological reflection and activity, students will have the opportunity to discover God in new ways, especially as incarnational and interactive; discover who they are as children of God; discover how to live out their faith; and discover what they are called to do vocationally.
To learn more about DISCOVER and to apply, visit…
Discover-Program - 25th GREATER PIEDMONT OPEN GOLF TOURNAMENT hosted by The Davidson-Forsyth Churchmen Fellowship will be Saturday, May 12 at Lexington Golf Club. This is a Captain’s Choice, Best Ball tournament. It will begin with a 2:00 “shot gun” start. The cost is $55.00 per person or $220.00 per team. There will be FOUR hole-in-one prizes. All golfers will receive a goody bag and a door prize. Money raised goes toward scholarships, local charities, and local projects. Everyone is welcome to play: women, youth, and individuals. For information contact Danny Thompson (336 479 1556).