Sermons by Rev. Elizabeth Horton (Page 4)

Sermons by Rev. Elizabeth Horton (Page 4)

Have Faith: Believing Is Seeing

This Sunday begins a 3-week series entitled “Have Faith.”  In times of distress or sorrow, people will often tell us to just “Have Faith.” We’ll begin to explore what this means in Believing Is Seeing from Luke 12:49-56 .

learning to pray

Who taught you to pray? What happens when we pray? Why is prayer important? Is there a right way to pray? Lots of questions can abound when thinking about prayer. It is intangible, mysterious and at times, feels futile. This Sunday, we will read Luke 11: 1-13 and see how Jesus instructs the disciples about praying.  Luke 11: 1-13 

Simple Directions

Jesus was viewed as a radical because his sole mission of living a life fully faithful to God often bucked up against what law, tradition, and cultural norms dictated. Jesus was not enticed nor bound by power, privilege, or prestige which made him a tremendous threat to the religious establishment. This Sunday, in Luke 10: 1-20, the “Sending of the 70,” we see him preparing his disciples to engage in this same mission and face opposition. ……  Luke 10: 1-20. 

What Would Jesus Do?

WWJD was a popular acronym from the mid-90’s that stood for What Would Jesus Do? It was printed on bracelets and bumper stickers and sold to youth all over the country to help them think about making good choices while growing into a young adult. This Sunday, we will look at a different question in Luke 9: 51-62, “What would Jesus NOT do? ……  Luke 9: 51-62. 

Change of Heart

Demons, swine, tombstones… It may sound like the making of a bad horror movie, but these are all part of the Gospel Lesson for this Sunday. In Luke 8: 26-39, we meet the “Gerasene demoniac.” A man who is tormented by demons …… What is possessing you? What do you suffer from? What is holding you hostage to the point that you feel as if you cannot break free? We all need what Jesus offers… to be seen, accepted, welcomed,…

Annual Church Picnic

As we try to decide whether or not to move the picnic location for Sunday, I am reminded of the Old Testament Book of Job, when Job demands that his questions be answered by God. God turns the tables and responds to Job’s demands in the 38th chapter by asking him these questions: “Can you lift up your voice to the clouds, so that a flood of waters may cover you? Can you send forth lightnings, so that they may…

UP, UP, and AWAY

This Sunday we celebrate milestones! We welcome to the First Reformed UCC family, Maria Cruz, and her 3 children, Jasmin, Alyson, and Lucas; Marge Doty; Joe Kiser; Stacy and Billy West, Emma and Sam. We will also recognize and honor graduates of all ages. People ask me at times, “Why is it important to join a church? How is that different from just showing up?” Some reasons are very practical: Members can vote – on issues like calling a pastor…

Surprise: Detours Ahead

How do you know what God wants you to do? Sometimes we have a definite idea of what we believe, our purpose, our plan in life. In Acts 16: 9-15, Paul is certain he is supposed to go one place to share the message of Christ, but then he senses God calling him in a different direction… Way different. He and his companion, Silas, make the journey into new territory and they meet someone totally unexpected… Lydia. She is a…

Surprises in Faith and Fashion

Surprise! The Unexpected Acts of God: Where Fashion Meets Faith. In Acts 9: 36-46, with Jesus no longer around, Peter and the disciples are left on their own. Not knowing what else to do, Peter begins to imitate what he has learned from Jesus. From this, the Church is ultimately born. When people see you — in the grocery story, at work, uptown — will they see that you are imitating Jesus? What about your words and actions, your social…