Pastor's Blog (Page 3)

Pastor's Blog (Page 3)

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you…hold fast to what is good.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-21

A memory from 8 years ago popped up on my Facebook page, which I posted again. It was a picture of the boys sitting on our kitchen floor eating out of a bag of cereal. Patrick was 2½ and Parker 11 months. It’s a scene I imagine is common in many homes with toddlers. What the Facebook post does not tell is the story behind the picture.

This picture was taken on the Saturday morning before Thanksgiving 2010. The boys were doing exactly what toddlers are supposed to do…being busy at being alive and experiencing all that their world of could offer. I didn’t have time to enjoy their zest for life in that moment as I was serving a church and desperately needed to finish a sermon to preach in roughly 24 hours. Parker was getting over a bad ear infection and still felt puny. My mom was in the throes of what cancer does to a body, mind, and spirit, yet my sister and I were trying to put together some semblance of normalcy in preparation for Thanksgiving. I believe Megan was 10 years old and bless her, was still asleep when this picture was taken.

It was hard to feel thankful on that morning when I just felt so overwhelmed….And then Patrick marched to the pantry with his brother teetering behind. He gets our cheap “knock off” brand cereal out of the box and sits, inviting his little brother to a space on the floor. There they sat –sharing it heartily and peacefully with one another for a few grace-filled minutes.

I gave thanks and savored the moment and took a picture. Who knew when it would happen again? Perhaps this is a sliver of what Paul meant when he told the struggling church in Thessalonica, “Rejoice always, give thanks in all circumstances.”

I pray that on this Thanksgiving Day, you will be able to find moments of peace and grace even if they are fleeting and few between. Hold fast to what is good…Capture the moments…and in all circumstances, Give Thanks.

See you Sunday,

Pastor’s Blog

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you…hold fast to what is good. 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-21 A memory from 8 years ago popped up on my Facebook page, which I posted again. It was a picture of the boys sitting on our kitchen floor eating out of a bag of cereal. Patrick was 2½ and Parker 11 months. It’s a scene I imagine is common…

Events for 11-19-18 thru 11-25-18

REMEMBER TO BRING PLEDGE CARDS AND TIME & TALENT SHEETS THIS SUNDAY Saturday, November. 17 10:00AM-12:00PM Work Day in the Garden Edgar Miller has scheduled a garden work day on Saturday, November 17th from 10-12:00. Please come out to help if you can! 2:00PM Sheets Dance Academy Performance of “The Nutcracker” in the Fellowship Hall Sunday, November 18 BEGINNING AT 9:15AM Before Sunday School, After Sunday School & After Worship in the Fellowship Hall ***WOMEN’S LIFE FELLOWSHIP BAKE SALE*** Shop…

Pastor’s Blog

We continue in Mark’s gospel as we explore Mark 13:1-8 , “The Struggle to Be Born.” We are reminded in this passage that bringing new life into being is not easy work. If you have not already brought in your time and talent sheet or your pledge card, please do so this Sunday. Through your commitment of talent, time, and finances we are in the process of bringing new life to the ministries at First Reformed UCC. A couple of…

Events for 11-11-18 thru 11-17-18

REMEMBER TO BRING PLEDGE CARDS AND TIME & TALENT SHEETS THIS SUNDAY SUNDAY IS THE DEADLINE TO SIGN UP FOR THE CPR CLASS! The East Lexington Collaborative Ministry Group will host a CPR & Basic First Aid class in early 2019. Cost will be determined by class size. An opportunity for certification will be available for an additional charge. Please let Dave Fulton know or email Carolyn at if you are interested. Sunday, November 11 9:45AM SUNDAY SCHOOL Youth…

Pastor’s BLOG

We find ourselves facing today yet another shooting in this nation in the community of Thousand Oaks, CA. We can fall easily into the temptation to allow ourselves to be desensitized or resigned to this kind of violence and to think there is no difference we can make in the bigger sense in the life of this country. However, let us be reminded that kind of thinking is contrary to the life and message of Jesus Christ. Sunday we will…

Events for 11-5-18 thru 11-11-18

DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT. Turn your clocks back one hour before you go to bed. Sunday, November 4 9:45AM SUNDAY SCHOOL Youth – Children’s Sabbath Practice with Ellen Peterson and Carolyn Robbins Adults – Roman Series with Jerry Lovell 11:00AM Worship Service in the Sanctuary Homecoming & Memorial Sunday Youth Service Project Special Guest Baritone Leonard Rowe will share his talents during the 11:00 worship Following Worship in the Fellowship Hall, join us for a Covered Dish Meal…

Pastor’s BLOG

A place to call home…This is what we all yearn for. A place to be loved and to love. This Sunday is Homecoming. We are privileged to have internationally known baritone Leonard Rowe as part of worship! He will be singing 3 songs throughout the service. As it is also All Saints Sunday, we will recognize the saints who have gone before us. I want to say a special thank you to Homecoming Chair, Rita Lohr, and the Committee members…

Upcoming Events for 10-22-18 thru 10-28-18

Looking toward Sunday… This is the weekend we’ve been waiting for! Performance Artist Al Staggs joins us, helping us discover the gifts of laughter on Saturday night, and on Sunday, bringing to life two remarkable saints whose lives were full of both faith and persecution: Clarence Jordan, Baptist minister and racial justice advocate who sought to live out the teachings of Jesus in an interracial farm community in the deeply segregated South, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German minister who led…

Upcoming Events for 10-8-18 thru 10-14-18

Looking toward Sunday… When I prepare for sermons, I try to follow the Revised Common Lectionary. That is a collection of scriptures that have been selected from different portions of the Bible to be read in a 3-year cycle. The lectionary has its origins in the early church, when disciples gathered to read together common scripture they felt were essential to the story of their faith. It is very common in mainline churches. Preaching in this manner often presents a…

Upcoming Events for 9-30-18 thru 10-7-18

Looking toward Sunday… We finish the series A Faith That Works with The Power of Prayer. We explore the question James asks in, “Are any among you sick?” What are illnesses you suffer from today? What about illnesses of the church? In James 5: 13-20 James paints a picture of what the church is meant to look like. What we’re to be, and what we’re to do—and he shows us that those two things are inextricably bound together. At the…

Upcoming Events for 9-14 thru 9-26-18

Looking toward Sunday… As we wait for the effects of Hurricane Florence, we are waiting with tremendous uncertainty. Many in our congregation are concerned about loved ones in Eastern North Carolina and South Carolina. We already postponed our weekend events with Rev. Al Staggs. If we need to cancel Sunday services, we will notify you via email, local news stations, and Facebook. As we wait in the uncertainty of these days, please reach out and check on those who are…

Upcoming Events for 8-27 thru 9-2-18

Looking toward Sunday… Sunday, August 26 Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost REMINDER FOR YOUTH: BACKPACK BLESSING ON SUNDAY…DON’T FORGET TO BRING YOUR BACKPACKS AND PLACE THEM AROUND THE BAPTISMAL FONT AS YOU ENTER THE SANCTUARY 9:45AM Youth: Youth: Rally Day practice with Cathy Waitman & Carolyn Robbins Adult Sunday School: Studying Dietrich Bonhoeffer with Rev. Elizabeth Horton{FH} As we continue our preparation for Rev. Staggs’ visit, Rev. Elizabeth Horton will lead a class on the Life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. These discussion…